My name is Carson Boxu Lin or you could call me Carsy (Car-sea) 🙂 I don’t have a pronoun. Yours truly was born and raised in Brooklyn and turned 18 recently. Since this is English I would recommend a book called the rings of Saturn by W.G Sebald and this is coming from someone that dislikes reading but it is a book that I hold dear to my heart. This is my first year in college studying Mechanical Engineering and I’m extremely excited to learn and make my machines and gadgets >:)).

This is me and my best friend it’s pretty sad but he’s pretty much all I have. we are pretty much inseparable but we always get into stupid situations. every day is an adventure together like Harold and Kumar. without each other, we cannot function. the spider is my crest symbolizing 8 sins but it is interpreted in the eyes of the beholder it could mean a lot of things depending on you and your evils and how you combat your sins anyways nice to meet all of you 🙂