Camille Castillo

Getting to know me 

Hi, my name is Camille Castillo, I go by nicknames like Camilla or C.C, my pronouns are she/her. I work 2 jobs and enjoy it, I also take care of many animals and have a younger brother I take care of as well. I live in Westchester but live with my Grandmother in Queens. Whenever I work in Abercrombie and Kids store and am a babysitter to 2 kids 7 and 3, and often had to travel to Miami or they would stay here in order to help out their family. College can be stressful but I hope to have a better plan for this year.

This photo is significant to me because these are my close friends (especially the 2 on the left) but the blonde one with the all-black outfit is close to me like my best friend, it was one of the last photos where we were all carefree in highschool, just hanging out in the town center before I left and my friend in the red left for college to, before we started hanging out less due to college and my friend (in all black), has to now go to college and has a form of Achilles Tentitis and his doing much physical and expensive therapy to help as they need a rare doctor. We all still try to stay connected but it gets harder in college.