Fall 2021


My name is Johanna Suárez ,but you can call me “Joha”. My pronoun is she/her. I’m an international student and I was born and raised in Ecuador.  I’ve lived in NY for about 3 years and a half. Coming here has been a life experience as any other with ups and downs , but that hasn’t stopped me to continue pursuing my dreams. I finished my bachelor in dentistry back in my hometown and I’m currently completing my prerequisites to apply for the dental hygiene program in City Tech in spring . This is my first time in a community college in the United States. I’m feeling motivated and enthusiastic about this new challenge that I’ve decided to take. Regarding online learning, I would say that I don’t feel very comfortable with it, since I’m a hands- on type of person and this way of taking lectures makes me feel that I won’t be able to keep up with all the new assignments  that we have in this environment. On the other hand,  some activities talk I love to do in my spare time include hiking and listening to music . There is nothing better than disconnecting from the world , while enjoying nature and discovering new places. In fact , That is something  I miss from my country. Going for a nice hike within minutes is not a problem there.

Regarding a special picture I chose my pet’s  . She’s my rescued dog her name is Chane. She’s very important for me ,because I found her in a moment of my life that I felt everything was falling apart. She helped me to get back on my feet in no time. Some people think that dogs or pets in general are not relevant. However, she is like one more member of my family to me . In fact , Coming to United States without her was one of the most difficult decisions in my life. I miss her a lot and I hope I can’t bring her with me soon. What makes me feel relieved is that she’s in my country with one of my cousins, who I know is taking care of her as one of her own dogs.

1 Comment

  1. Valery Romero

    Aww, Johanna your dog is so cute. It was very nice of you rescuing her, best wishes for you and your dog so you could see each other again.

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