1. write out your design goal, why are you taking the class?

My design goal is to better incorporate the use of color is most of my work. I am taking this class because it will increase my knowledge about graphic design and hopefully inspire me to step out of my comfort zone.

2. what type of work inspires you? what else inspires you?

 All sorts of work inspire me, every piece is different which allows for me to always find something to get inspired by.  Sound and nature also inspire me. 

3. what is your preferred design process – how do you like to work? (i.e. coding, on the computer, with a marker, pencil, in small notebooks, murals, collages, planned out, spontaneous, etc.)

My design process begins with a little bit of research followed by thumbnails, roughs, composition and then onto the computer.  
4. what types of projects would you be interested in collaborating on?

Any type is project would be great, the more different the better. Photography projects would be something I would like to collaborate on.

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