homework 25

English 1121

Yongwei liu

Research paper finish essay


During 21st Century, a lot of young people like play ESports, it can make young people interest and get money and have teamwork awareness. People meet stranger don’t know how to talk each other and don’t know what should they talk, because they don’t know they are common interest, but in the internet, although we are don’t know each other and we don’t know where are you from, but we are play same game, so we have same common interest, and different color people if have same interest, it can make they are close together or will be good friend. ESports have a lot of nerd and Silent people like it, it doesn’t need people to talk other, it just wanted to silent and nerd people type or play. People in the society, must be know how to talk with someone, you must be having good relationships or power make people like, if you don’t have it, you must be out. However, in the ESports world, relationships and power no important for that, you should have good skill, when you have good skill then people will like you and follow you, you can make live in the twitch, and people watch you playing game, sometime people would donate money for you if you play well or he is your fans. ESports can make people have interest with it and ESports can make you get money and ESports have big trend in future.

A lot of young people like play computer game, whatever game have some player play it, because the game can make him proud and interest also relax. From NYTimes article, “The whole point of a massively multiplayer online game like WOW or EverQuest is that players can take pride that their virtual accomplishments and wealth reflect real human effort, determination, ingenuity and skill.”   Some people no confidence in his life and work. Every day meet to boss, too scare him, always think did I do wrong thing, will boss want to fire me? but in the online game, you don’t need to thinking too much, you can do anything what you want, and it can make you proud and confidence. And when you play some game, that game need you to do some mission, it’s kind of like give you target, you just need to follow the target, and finish it, this game can make you have human effort and determination, when you have human effort and determination, you can use it in your real life and it will help you close your dream and finish half. ““Relaxing video games put people in a good mood.  And when people are in a good mood, they are more inclined to help others, and that’s better for everyone,” Bushman said.” The article implying when you play relaxing video game, that game can make you happy, and when you get happy, you would like to help others, and make you get more happiness. so ESports have a lot of game, you should choose one better for you play. Someone like to play violent games, because it can make you excitement and stimulation, someone like to play relaxing video game, because it can make you relax and relieve stress.  “Most games involve a huge number of mental tasks, and playing can boost any one of them. Fast-paced, action-packed video games have been shown, in separate studies, to boost visual acuity, spatial perception, and the ability to pick out objects in a scene. Complex, strategy-based games can improve other cognitive skills, including working memory and reasoning.”  The article imply we should play a lot of video game, because the game is too hard, you should use your brain to think how to play and finish the mission. Its same like homework, you should think how to solve that problem and find the answer, when you play the video game, you should think how to play and where the next step going? And find the mission station, it should use a lot of Brain Cells to solve problem. So I think video game it’s good for teenage or young man to play it.

homework 19

Yongwei Liu

English 1121-D465

Essay –poem draft# 2


Be Yourself, Because You Are Still Rising

The poem, “Still I rise” by Maya Angelou, tells’ people that in life there are lot of challenges and difficult things waiting. One should challenge his or her heart and face to them. I know it is not easy for people, but they should have dreams, and achieve their dream. It’s their power. People have weakness, and they don’t care about their weakness. It’s very important to change weakness and then get better than the old version of oneself. In addition, one should triumph over adversity are have strength and courage even though. But it’s not easy for all people. Sometimes if one envies people, it can make power and you should have good karma, which is a challenge that requires strength and courage to do, and what is right for you regardless of whether someone because it’s significant.

When one envies people, and one is wondering why they are better, it can be away to find weakness to change in oneself. From poem states, “You may write me down in history with your bitter, twisted lies, you may tread me in the very dirt but still, like dust, I’ll rise.” implying that people are always talking behind other back. People will spread whatever rumors they can conjure, just to make others go down, but one should have a good mentality to face the all problems. When a person solves the problems, he or she will rise on his or her road. For example, when first arriving and learning English in a high school in Tennessee, a new immigrant may not how to speak English and just know the twenty-six letters of the alphabet. Classmate may talk behind a new student’s back and laugh at him or her. It’s unclear why that is, but they just do it. It can make a person so sad that he or she might say to himself or herself silently, anything will be fine, he or her will gets some English in his or her mind and he or she will understand what people were said. Although his or her English still no good, but they think they have good listening to people say, it’s his or her progress, because they are rising.

People all know about “karma” which means when they doing the good thing, good thing will happen for them, but if they doing the bad thing, the bad thing will happen to them. Some people don’t think it’s the karma, because when they doing the good thing, they never get some reward for them, but if they did some bad thing, the bad thing must be coming to them. From poem states, “Did you want to see me broken? Bowed head and lowered eyes? Shoulders falling down like teardrops. Weakened by my soulful cries.”  Implying that people just know his or her bad thing for now then they will toxic to someone, making someone trouble, but they don’t know and care about someone did good thing before. So he or she just silently crying and accept people punishment. For example, one person was taking the bus, the person sees the pregnant woman stay in front of him or her, so the person gets up and give her their sit, but the woman just sitting his or her sit and doing her business, no say thank you to person. The man was thinking that why I am give her sit, a lot of people got a seat but they don’t want to give her sit, and don’t care about she is pregnant. Why the man gives her sit, but she never wanted to say something to the man? on the other hand, the man going to buy something what he needs in the supermarket, and he saw the old man fall down in his front, and the old man try to get up, but he can’t. In the moment, the young man just passing to old man and go around buy his stuff, when the young man passed to old man, people coming in the right time and see young man doing then they are going to help the old man get up and then they are lesson to young man say, “what are you doing before, why you see the old man falling and no helping to him get up” the young man just crying and crying, he doesn’t know when he should help people and get reward and when he shouldn’t help people because he is rude. And now, he or her know just do his or her right, follow his or her heart, if they think it is right, just do it. It is progress, because they are rising.


Maybe one doing something making others upset, maybe one doing something make others sad, maybe one doing something make others lose anything. But the man just did something what he need to do. From poem states, “You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness.” Implying that people can do anything what they want, and hurt someone, if the thing is necessary. the young man doing something bad thing to friend. Make others upset. When the young man like 4 grade, he was naughty child. One day, he was want prank to his classmate, because he likes the girl, he come to class and see the girl chair, when the girl no coming yet, he using glue drop a little on her chair, when the girl coming to class, and she don’t know anything, just like usual day and find her chair sitting the chair, when the girl concentrate doing her business, the man just using the scissors to cut her hair. Finally, when the class end, the girl trying to get up her sit, and get out the class, but she can’t, she knew has something on her pants and she first think it’s must be the classmate did it, and she just crying and tell the teacher, teacher call her parents come to school and solve the problem, her parents lesson to the young man a lot, and the girl ignore and hate the young man too many years.

Challenge it not easy for everyone, but people should have challenge heart, because people are younger, do something others never did and to challenge themselves. Envy sometime is good thing for people, it’s target in people life, one should know people are weakness and changing themselves. Have good karma equal people have good life and significance in his or her future and do something stupid thing maybe is fun in his or her life, because no one need bored life. Happy every day, and be yourself. You are still resing.

homework 17

Yongwei Liu

English 1121-D465

First paragraph

From the poem, “Still I rise” by Maya Angelou, the poem tell us, in your life, have a lot of challenge and difficult thing waiting for you, you should have challenge yourself heart, and face to them. I know it is not easy for all about people, but you should have dream, and achieve your dream, it’s your power. All about the people have weakness, and they don’t care their weakness. It’s too important, you need to change your weakness and then you will get better the old me. In addition, you should triumph over adversity, you should have strength and courage. But it’s not easy for all people.

homework 16

Yongwei Liu

English 1121-D465



People always can challenge what they can’t to do, and they try to do. Because anything can be possible, you need to try to do something when people never try to do, and also if you win that, you will get anything what you want, but if you lose that, you are nothing, sometime you will get dead. People always want to challenge himself, he want to triumph over adversity, it need strength and courage. Also you need envy someone, and change your weakness for yourself.


Have envy someone, to change your weakness.

Need strength in your life.

Need courage in your life.


Challenge yourself is not always easy, it’s too difficult and danger, you should careful yourself and if you know your weakness, just change it for yourself, it is need your strength and courage in your life.

homework 15

Yongwei Liu

English 1121-D645


From the poem, “Still I Rise” by Maya Angelou, the poem describe like the Afro-American live been here and white people racial discrimination problem to them. White people give them oppression. White people was hate black people living U.S, they just make some trouble to black people, they don’t think black people is human, they think black people just slave. But the black people want to triumph over adversity. They want to survive here, they are challenge to white people, because they are human too, not slave. And then they won.


Yongwei Liu

English 1121-D465

Assignment: seven point of peer on textual analyzation

Peer review: Jordan Clarke

Opener: follow the Author with the poem said and explanation the poem mean.


Thesis: it had that, need more sentence of your thesis.


3 subtopics: inverse of revolution.


Love with the use of setting and characters.

The third subtopic doesn’t mean is “true love”. You should follow your thesis.


Transitional phrases: No have it. Need add some.


Grammar: having the grammar problem, need to do more work.


Conclusions: when you doing the last paragraphs, you should follow the first paragraphs. Cannot same, but you can do similar.


Yongwei Liu

English 1121

Partner essay

Give some opinion to my partner essay

  1. Positive point:

Easy to know the immigrants who come new country living to hard.

  1. Positive point:

Easy to understand what he wrote.

  1. Negative point:

Too much page.

  1. Negative point:

Grammar problem.