Row Houses



Row houses go through so many renovations over the years. If these buildings were to get compared to human beings, then it can be said that much like people, some of these buildings have changed their interior over years. And even though some rooms might have changed, there are certain aspects that never changes; for example, in row houses the windows and doors are the focal point of its’ identity. These aspects tell us who they are, their particular style, as well as the era that they belong in; just as us human beings rely on our facial features to give us some clues of our origins.

The same can be said of the exterior. Although these buildings go through their form of “grooming,” not unlike people, they try their best to hang on to their original exterior because it is what makes them unique and special in other words, their youth and their beauty- to try to hold on to the best state, and to preserve themselves at peak of their beauty- It’s like a stubborn soccer mom trying to maintain her once prized cheerleader body- being preserved when it was the most significant in its particular period of time.

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