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7 Responses to DS11

  1. Yesterday I comleted 5, and 2. now I am begin 3 tool path .pg 188

  2. Yesterday I completed #5 , #3,. Now I’m Begin to complete #3, from pg 188

  3. What is the best way to prepare for Monday’s Mid-Term Exam?

    How long will we have to complete the exam?

  4. mgreenstone says:

    I am working on Tutorial 6. but I am stuck on tool path 2.

  5. Bacchus says:

    How can I prepare for the midterm?

  6. Uday says:

    Any one completed Student exercise # 2

  7. Again Cant not run.
    I begin from the scrath-from beginning. but in the first step of toolpath execution was failed

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