Internship Blog Post 2

Posted by on Apr 12, 2015 in Uncategorized | No Comments


At the current moment, I am working as aĀ graphic design internĀ for a nonprofit organization called The Fortune Society, located in Long Island City, Queens. The organizationā€™s goalĀ is dedicated to helping people thatĀ have been previously incarcerated or in danger of being so. Fortune Society provides its clients with a variety of tools to help themĀ get back on track with their lives. Assistance comes in the form of financial aid, educational programs, housing and career assistance. The basement level of The Fortune Society offers adult education , health courses, GED training and counseling to its clients.Ā The second and third floor is where all the office space and administrative work can be found.Ā The Fortune Society was created after the production of ā€œFortune and Menā€™s Eyesā€. The play would inspire its producer David Rothenberg to create Ā the Fortune Society in 1967. OneĀ notable event that has happened to Fortune Society was the opening of a new building called The Castle Gardens. The Castle Gardens provided free Ā housing for formerly convicted individuals. People living there can stay there indefinitely.Ā On 2014, The Fortune Society was also awarded the Obie awards for Special citations by the Village voice in the late 2000s.

New Branding Guidelines -DRAFT 8 20 2014



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