Lab 5

The command apt-get update is used to update the system packages from the repository. It is similar to a windows update but in Linux the user can do it manually whenever they wish.



The ping command is used to determine if a remote location is reachable. For example, it allows the user to know if a website can be reached. The command does this by sending packets of information to a specified IP Address and then measures the time it takes to get a response from the specified computer or device.


The netstat command is used to examine various network settings and statistics. The command prints network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections and multicast memberships.



The wget command is used to download files. The command was originally designed to download files from a website with unstable connections. After the wget command is initialized a link to the website is saved in the main directory.


The locate command is often the simplest and quickest way to find the locations of files and directories on Linux and other Unix-Like operateing systems


The gzip command is used to compress files within Linux.


The gunzip command is used to decompress files within Linux.


The tar command is used for archiving files in the example below a backup of the desktop is created.


The zip command is similar to tar and the gzip command it is both a compression and archive tool.


The unzip command is used to decompress files that were compressed by the zip command.


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