Guito Vincent
Clinical Objectives:
At the Stein Senior Center, located at 204 East 23rd Street, New York, NY 10010, I have my clinical for Community Health Nursing this semester. The Senior Center has a lot activities to keep the senior in strength, entertained, healthy, and overall to conserve and protect the health and wellness of senior citizens. As a student I have the opportunities to participate in a lot activities at the Senior Center as strength exercises class, food server and some health awareness teaching on several subjects. I was very delighted to participate on those activities. I gained and shared knowledge about those activities. My clinical objectives will expand more about what I gained and shared at the Senior Center.
Objective 1: Demonstrate individual professionalism through personal behaviors and appearance. At times there was challenging moments by completing assignment on time due the fact that work schedule did not match school schedule; however the intention is to always keep up with my school assignment. I was taking responsibilities for actions and results, setting aside individual interest to ensure success of the team. I arrived early every day, dressing appropriately with casual outfit, and participated in class discussion and meeting with the senior, peer and the professor. Blogs were written in order to discuss activities that were taken place at the senior center. In those blogs the attention was to observe and maintain the HIPPA law. On my blogs I was certain to observe and maintain the HIPPA LAW.
Objective 2: employ analytical reasoning and critical thinking skills when providing care to individuals and families in the community setting.
Reasoning and critical thinking skills are very important when providing care, it is the mode of thinking that the care giver utilizes to communicate effectively with others in figuring out solutions to complex problems, it is the route to take when gathering and assessing relevant information. At the senior center we have group presentation that was held. The presentation was on: nutritional value as the Dash diet, physical safety awareness as fall prevention, physical and health wellness as Diabetes, and medication safety. My presentation was on fall prevention. I have the opportunities to raise vital questions and problems regarding fall prevention, demonstrate proper use of assistive device as crutches, and evaluate the teaching experience that took place by pre and posttest evaluation. I have to come with ideas, concepts and theories of nursing to share with those seniors when it comes to fall prevention.

Objective 3: effectively communicate with diverse groups and disciplines using a variety of strategies regarding the health needs of individuals and families in the community setting.
Adapting my communication skills was very important when communicating with those seniors, I have to pronounce my word very well, I have to speak audibly, and slowly knowing that I need their attention. I participated in interdisciplinary team at the senior center, listening to what my professor, my colleague, stein senior staff and those seniors have to say. Interacting professionally with every one of them was my motive. And I demonstrated the ability to provide constructive feedback. I think listening is one the most important step in effective communication. It is not just understanding the words in the information, it is also understanding the feeling that might be in those words.

Objective 4: establish environment conducive to learning and use a plan for learners based on evidence-base practice.
Teaching can be challenging in the community setting, particularly when the conditions and environment are not set for teaching. To face those challenges my colleagues and I have to come with a strategic plan to evaluate teaching action that took place with those seniors. We implemented pre and posttest as an indicator to gauge knowledge about the subject being taught. My colleagues and I collaborated with those seniors to promote a conducive environment for teaching as reducing noise and getting everybody attention. My colleagues and I conducted a systematic evaluation of the progress towards the outcome. My colleagues and I sought opportunities for feedback and evaluation of the effectiveness of the strategies used to teach those seniors.

Objective 5: utilize informational technology when managing individual and families community.
At the Stein Senior Center there was no opportunity to manage any of those senior health records, this objective was not applicable at the Stein senior center, however computers at the center were available to type, surf the web, research and print relevant information and important data regarding subject presentation. I used brochures on the specific subject to give and to alert them regarding the subject that was being presented.
Objective 6: demonstrate a commitment to professional development.
The nursing journey is a long one, everyday new challenges arise. Preparing for those challenges by attaining knowledge, competence and participating in ongoing education activities that reflect the nursing practice are the best way to face those challenges. In my fall prevention tip presentation, evidence-base practice material was used to alert those seniors regarding fall prevention. And the end making sure they know that their risk for fall increase not because they are seniors, however because of the amount of medications they might be taken and other parameters. And as fact about sixty percent of falls happen at home.
Objective 7: incorporate professional nursing standards and accountability into practice.
At the Stein senior Center, Guide lines by the Director in charge of the Center was given to us and a road map of all activities that took place at the center. Evidently all nursing activities from our group that took place were to be done in a manner that preserve and protect those seniors’ autonomy, dignity, rights, values and beliefs. Awareness and knowledge of those senior’s rights were demonstrated by us, nurse and nursing student.
Objectives 8: Collaborate with clients, significant support persons and members of the health team care.
A work environment was created that allows us to teach, and promote healthy life styles through our presentation. Topics were chosen based on specific needs of the population which are seniors. Those topics were diet, fall prevention, diabetes, and medication safety.
Objective 9: recognize the impact of economic, political, social and demographic forces that affect the delivery of health care services.
The challenges for those seniors are to find way to dealing positively with changes, because aging is a process that brings physical, emotional, and socio economic changes. Helping those seniors find new and creative ideas to cope with those changes were our goal by being available to them as nurse and nursing student, helping them find better ways of doing things that does not seem to work were the key to our mission.

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