Statistics with Probability

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  • How do you find the critical region in a hypothesis?
  • #12981


    For chapter 9, how does one go about finding the critical region?



    More important matters, Is that a Landurichu?!?



    Why yes, yes it is!


    Ezra Halleck

    There are 2 approaches to these problems; the one taught in class is the “pvalue” approach.

    Here is the procedure for the “critical region”. If the number of tails is 1, then place all of alpha into that tail. If the number of tails is 2, then place half of alpha into each tail. Once you have determined the picture, then find the critical value(s) by using normsinv or tinv, depending on which test you are using. You must then destandardize: multiply by std dev and add mean. All our work with the pictures should help you with the task.

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