SPE 1330: Effective Speaking

Davina Morciglio

Topic: Middle Child Syndrome

Specific Purpose:  To inform my audience on the four major symptoms that a middle child may have, leading to middle child syndrome and continue into adulthood.

Central Idea: The four major symptoms of middle child syndrome are Lack of belonging, Reclusion, No sense of direction, and Sibling rivalry.




I.     Hello everyone, by a show of hands, how many of you have heard of Middle Child Syndrome?

A.  Many believe that this is just a myth but according to an article in U.K mail online, a third of mothers and fathers of three, admits to neglecting their second-child, which caused the middle child to seek attention and act out in different ways.


II.      Today, I’m here to discuss the four symptoms that may indicate to you, your child could have middle child syndrome.


  1. Knowing the symptoms early , can prevent your child from going through this  condition


III.    The four major symptoms children with middle child syndrome have are lack of belonging, reclusion, no sense of direction, and sibling rivalry.



  1. Lack of belonging – Child feels “unwanted” in their family. According to an article on Live Strong.com a child who goes through these feeling for too long , can begin to act out in order to get attention



  1. Reclusion – Children suffering from this syndrome can become very anti- social and According to Lifestyle Karma, he or she would rather spend time alone instead of socializing.



  1. No Sense of direction – A Lack of direction is common in a middle child. According, to what is Middle Child Syndrome? An article from W3 Courses “There is certain disillusionment among them and struggle to find the real direction in their life”

Sibling Rivalry – According to Kids Health , middle children can become  jealous which  lead s them to be competitive and this goes on to adulthood.


I’ve spoken to about the different symptoms of middle child syndrome and now that you know them, you can prevent your child from going through this conduction early.


Reference List



The Secret Power of Middle Child Syndrome by PH.D Catherine Salmon a

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