A.A. – Final Project Proposal


0.00 – music accompanying scene, not overwhelming or very noticeable. 1 or 2 instruments. Middling mood.

0.50 – as they walk to the bedroom a sustained horn section will come in and end at 1.02 when the scene cuts.

1.29 – Instruments will swell up to that point, horn line may return, percussion introduced at that point to accompany Black and Which visuals

2.22 – all music cuts down for “thank you,” line. Introduction of lead piano melody at this point. Melody will continue and be elaborated until 3.50 (door closed).

3.58 – Music jumps back in to play credits.

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One Response to A.A. – Final Project Proposal

  1. adamagarrat says:

    The aim of my final project is to write music to accompany this scene. The scene is from a movie done by a director that I know, it is the second project that I have worked on with her as an audio recorder and mixer. The whole movie is about 18 minutes long, this is the final scene and it runs a little over 4 minutes. The work that I do to it will not see the light of day as there was already a score done for the film so it is purely for the class at the moment. I will use Logic and Komplete plug-ins to create the sounds to be used.

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