After Class Writing: Forbidden Planet Part 2

Leave a summary of your notes from the conclusion of Forbidden Planet in a comment to this blog post. Since this post was not made live over the weekend, you have an additional day to post your summary for the last half of Forbidden Planet.

18 thoughts on “After Class Writing: Forbidden Planet Part 2

  1. John Darius

    John Darius
    Essay Summary: “Forbidden Planet”

    In part two of the forbidden Planet we learn that an invisible creature starts to cause chaos for Morbius and everyone else. Later in the story the chief engineer Quinn is murdered by this creature and no one can figure out what it is or where it came from. The crew later tries to create a force field device that can help them not only see the creature, but capture it. The crew later on comes in contact with the creature, but it kills even more men. Adams and Altaira later on try to escape and find Morbius. Adams realizes that the creature that has been attacking everyone was something made from Morbius’s own imagination. Adams tells Morbius that the great machine that Morbius had stored away in his room was a device that was made by the Krells to help them materialize anything they could imagine. Morbius later tries to tell the robot to kill the creature, but it was not able to due to the creature being part of Morbius. Morbius tells Adams and Altaira that the creature is a form of his evil self. Morbius tells Adams and Altaira to leave and get away from the planet Altair as quickly as possible because the planet was about to explode. Adams, Altaira and the men in the starship manage to escape before the planet is destroyed. Through the story I feel that Morbius was a scientist who became obsessed with the Krell’s technology, due to his curiosity and eventually endangers not only his own life, but his daughter’s life, and the men from the starship as well.

  2. RaBbe AhMed

    In the second part of the movie we saw a invisible creature that came out from nowhere and all crew tried to stop the creature but they couldn’t. In this attack the chief engineer Quinn and other two crew members was killed by the creature. Other hand Mr. Morbious was Krell lab was working on something but suddenly he heard his daughter Altaria screamed and as soon as he went to his daughter the creature was disappear. Later, Adam find out a secret about the Morbious great machine that was built in to materialized anything that Krell could imagine. Sometimes later, they were attacked by the monster again and Morbius told Robby to killed monster but Robby didn’t killed it because he was programming to not to harm or kill any human. Then, Adams, Altria and Mr, Morbious were running to safe place and Morbious used iron door to close the room. When monster tried to get through the door he was melts through indestructible Krell metal door of the door laboratory. Monster was vanished and they were safe but Mr. Morbius was kind of fatally injured so he died but before his death he told Adams and Alteria to go 100 million away within a day.

  3. Nurul Alam

    In the second part to “The Forbidden Planet”, Morbius shows JJ Adams the past technology from Altair IV, JJ Adams and his crew were amazed by the “Trail Test of Intelligence”, when they found out that it was this machine that doubled Morbius’ IQ. Morbius explained how the TTI left him unconscious for two days after he was shocked, but he went back to the machine because he realized it double his intelligence. He then showed then the under ground level of the planet, where there was a giant machine that was 40 miles long. When the three went back base they realized the creature attacked again, but this time they saw that it was an invisible creature, the next day the crew went into defense mode, the creature came back, and JJ Adams realized that the creature was Morbius’ Id, that creature came from Morbius’ inter self thats why it never attacked him. Morbius finally realizing this sets a bomb to destroy the creature, the machine, and Altair, he tells JJ Adams to take his daughter and return to earth.

  4. mpaar

    Mike Paar
    After Class Summery

    In the second half of Forbidden Planet, we learned of the Krell, an extinct race of incredible technology that was kept safe underground long after they disappeared. This technology was what Dr. Morbius had spent his twenty years isolated on the planet studying. It was during his research that an experiment with a device meant for reading ones mental capacity that he inadvertently increased his mental output at great risk to his own life. In fact in performing the same experiment, others did not survive the process. While all of this was revealed to the commander, an invisible entity snuck past the crews defenses back at the ship and killed one of the men aboard. Upon hearing this news, the commander raced back to the ship to oversee a harsh increase in its defenses.

    The following evening, the entity once again attacked the ship. Regardless of how much force they used on the creature, the beast, as it was revealed to be, could not be destroyed. This attack ended up killing three more crew members. It wasn’t until Dr. Morbius, back at his home, awoke from his sleep that the creature disappeared. The commander decided that it was time to leave the planet. Returning to Mobius’ house, the commander met resistance from Mobius in abandoning the planet, although Altaira wished to leave herself. It wasn’t until the ships doctor enhanced his own brain capacity that it was realized that it was actually Mobius himself that was attacking the ship though his own sub-conscious. The Krell had managed to enhance their own brains to the point of being able to manifest physical forces through sheer mental power. But it was their evil sub-conscious desires that eventually destroyed them. That same hate, the Id, was attacking the crew, despite Mobius’s attempts to stop it. Pleading with his himself proved fatal for Mobius, but in in last breaths, he had the commander activate the self destruction of the planet. From a distance of 100 million miles, the crew, with Altaira and Robby the robot, now flying the ship, watched as the planet Altair exploded along with all the remnants of the Krell civilization.

  5. mz0050

    Continuing The Forbidden Planet film by Fred McLeod Wilcox, we pick up with the mystery of the invisible creature. The creature first appears when it sabotages the transmitter aboard the ship. However, nothing else is known about the creature besides it being invisible to the naked eye. The captain orders the crew to set the force field. This force field does not stop the creature. Later the invisible creature murders the chief engineer resulting in increased defenses. The creature goes through the force field again. This time due to the increase defenses, the force field reveals the outline of the creature as the energy flows around it. The creature is as big as a house with two glowing eyes along with a great maw. It kills a few crewman then dissipates when Mobius wakes up from his sleep. Mobius had also showed the captain the engineering and the technological marvels of the long dead race known as the Krell. The Krell radar, the Krell thermonuclear power plant, and the Great Machine was revealed. The Great Machine was a machine that can create matter from energy powered through Krell brains and machine. It was through this Krell technology that Mobius was able to construct Robbie. After one of the captain’s crew used the Great Machine and died from it, it was reveal that the Id was created. Mobius’ subconscious had resulted in the invisible creature. It was this invisible creature that was responsible for the death of the previous expedition. Mobius, in an effort to save his daughter and to repent for this actions, told the captain to escape with his daughter. Mobius warned the captain to get a hundred million miles away within a day, for Mobius intended to destroy the planet to save them all.

  6. Mauricio

    The second part of Forbidden Planet started with the crewmembers entering Morbius’ laboratory due to some type of sabotage on the ship. The laboratory had sustainable energy that recharged itself. The most important feature of the lab was the “the Krell Educator”. The Krell Educator helps enhance the brainpower of a human and reads the brain. It has the ability to create a holographic image of the brains wants. This apparatus was powerful as it was made by the Krell, for the Krell. The crewmembers heads back to the ship to join the others. Adams gives orders to put a force field around the ship. Overnight one of the crewmembers is murdered by an undetected intruder. Adams and Ostrow head back to confront Morbius. Ostrow sneaks away to use the Krell Educator. He is not able to sustain the power but as he is reaching his death explains that the ID of Morbius’ brain is causing all the turmoil. Adams heads back to the crew, where he prepared them for this “monster”. The monster approaches the crew therefore the crew fires at the monster. The monster is invisible but takes shape as they fire their lasers. Adams escapes to Morbius’ home where implores for him to destroy it. Morbius commands Robby to kill it but he malfunctions due to the monster being a manifestation for Morbius’ brain. Morbius’ finally accepts the monster as being his ID thoughts and confronts the monster. The monster fatality strike him but Morbius before he dies commands Adams to initiate a chain reaction. The chain reaction would destroy the whole planet. Adams, Altaira, and Robby rapidly head to the ship to leave with the crew. A massive explosion is seen as the ship heads to earth.

  7. Angela

    Dr. Morbius introduces Addams to the Krell civilization. They were a highly intelligent race that lived on Altair 4 but died out about 200,000 years ago. They left behind they’re technology which Dr. Morbius spent years studying. In the lab, Morbius introduces the two to the “plastic educator”, a device capable of measuring and largely enhancing intellectual capacity. He explains after using the machine his intellect permanently doubled. But, urged Addams that as an Earthman he would not be able to withstand such advanced technology and it could kill him.
    Addams decides to use a force field to protect the starship. Shortly after the crew is attacked by an invisible force. Their weapons seem to cause no harm to the creature and it kills several of the crewmen. Addams returns to the home of Morbius to seek answers. One of his crewman sneaks away and uses the Krell educator. He returns fatally injured and informs Addams that the machine was built to materialize anything the Krell could imagine, including the “monsters from the Id”. Addams gathers that the creature which attacked the previous members of the expedition and his crew must’ve came from Morbius’s subconscious.
    Morbius refuses to accept this truth. After Altaira declares her love for Commander Addams, the creature moves forward to destroy the three. They take refuge in the Krell laboratory. After realizing the creature is inescapable, Morbius accepts the truth that the creature after them is “his evil self”. Morbius confronts the creature and it disappears after fatally injuring him. Before he dies, he orders Addams to set the machine to self destruct. After fleaing the planet, Addams, Altaira, Robby the Robot and the remaining crew watch as Altair 4 erupts and dissolves back into space.

  8. Kevin A. Gaul

    ENG 2420
    Kevin A. Gaul

    After Class Summary: Forbidden Planet Part 2

    Previously on Forbidden Planet, the crew has landed on Altair 4 and made their acquaintance with the last remaining inhabitants of the planet: Dr. Edward Morbius, his young adult daughter Altaira, and Robbie, a robot of Morbius’ own creation that follows Isaac Asimov’s 3 laws of robotics. The beginnings of their stay on Altair 4 included the use of Robbie by having him create lead plates meant for Earth communication and alcoholic beverages, as well as the sexual encounters between Lt. Jerry Farman, Commander J.J. Adams, and Altaira, where Farman teachers her how to kiss and Adams and Altaira share a passionate kiss in a later scene, sparking a romance between them. When equipment on the crew’s starship is mysteriously sabotaged, Adams and Ostrow pay a visit to Dr. Morbius, where he educates the two about the native inhabitants of Altair 4: a highly intelligent race of beings called the Krell that went extinct hundreds of thousands of years before the arrival of humans. He does this while giving them a tour of a Krell laboratory, presenting to them a power generator that produces a tremendous amount of power and the “Plastic Educator” a device that measures and increases intellect. He states how when he first used the device, he was nearly killed, but noticed the increased to his intellect, where he then proceed to build things by reading Krell text that he wasn’t able to do before, with Robbie the Robot being one of those inventions.
    Despite a force field protecting the crew’s ship, an invisible creature manages to infiltrate it and kill some of the crew, including Lt. Farman. It disappears at the same time Dr. Morbius is awoken by the screams of his daughter. When Adams goes to visit Morbius about the matter, Ostrow attempts to use the “Plastic Educator”, but doing so results in a fatal injury. His dying words to Adams reveal that the invisible monster was created out of a part of Morbius’ subconscious called the Id, and that Morbius’ hidden desire to prevent the crew from threatening his and his daughter’s stay on Altair 4 led to the murder of some of the crew members and the mass killings of the previous expedition minus himself, his late wife, and his daughter as they also threatened his studies on the planet. Robbie detects that the monster is approaching, due to Ataira declaring her love for Adams, which Morbius disapproved of. The Monster attempts to infiltrate the lab, slowly but surely making its way through the lab’s nearly impenetrable doors. After Morbius finally accepts that the Monster is a part of him after much denial, he is fatally injured by it, resulting in its disappearance and his eventual death. Before his death, he, with Adams’ aide, activates a device that activates a self destruct sequence, and commands Adams, Altaira, and Robbie to escape the planet before it’s destroyed. Adams and his crew, along with Altaira and Robbie, watch from a safe distance in space as the Altair 4 explodes.

  9. Darius

    Darius Freeman
    ENG 2420
    Professor Ellis

    After Class Summary “Forbidden Planet” Part 2

    Picking up where we left off, the Commander leaves a group of men leaving the lieutenant in charge to defend against the invisible monster that is after them while he goes to confront Morbius about the monster. When he arrives, Morbius is locked in his study. The monster attacks again this time killing crew members. It turns out Morbious used a Krell device to increase his intelligence which in turn magnified his mental power to the point of creating physical constructs without the knowledge of the caster due to it being subconscious. The id monster then attacks Morbius, the Commander and Altaira. As the unseen creature is chasing them you see its massive size interact with the environment around it even though it is pure energy. It finally reached them when Morbius sacrifices himself to try and stop the beast but it proves futile. They are however able to trigger the self-destruct switch for Altair IV. The Commander JJ Adams and Alatira make their way back to the ship as fly away. From 100 million miles away they look back on Altair IV for the last time before it explodes in a magnificent shockwave.

  10. Hermann Sterling

    The crew responses to the sabotage of thier ship, Adams orders a force field fence deployed around the starship. This proves useless the discovering the intruder is invisible , which is wreaking havoc. The crew seeing the capability of the creature, tries to stop it but it becomes relevant that the crew is no match for the monster; after the chief engineer Quinn and two other members of the crew are killed. Morbius, while in the Krell lab, hears a screams from Altaira. Later, while Adams confronts Morbius at his home, Ostrow sneaks away to use the Krell educator; as Morbius had warned, he is fatally injured.
    Robby detects the creature approaching and Morbius commands the robot to kill it, but learning that the creature is a manifestation of Morbius, can not destory the creature;forcing Robby to shut down. Morbius realizing the creature is the Id manifestation of his mind, tells Adam,Ataria to depart from the planet with the rest of the crew with his last dying breath. The Planet explodes , after they depart.

  11. Joanna

    Joanna Wong
    After Class Summary
    Forbidden Planet Part 2

    Continuing where we were left off in the film “The Forbidden Planet”, Morbius tells Commander Adams and Lieutenant Ostrow about the Krell and their technology. Soon after Commander Adams is notified that his crews Chief Engineer Quinn was murdered and no one knows how. Later that day with the force field up, the monster makes an appearance and despite the firepower directed at it, Lieutenant Farmen and two more crew members are killed.

    Altaira who had a dream about the attack wakes up screaming, awakens Morbius. Commander Adams and Lieutenant Ostrow pay Morbius another visit and while the commander interacts with Altaria intimately, the lieutenant sneaks off. It turns out Ostrow went to use the Krell machine that Morbius warned him not to use and passes on the message “Monsters from the Id” before dying. Through an argument with Morbius, Commander Adams discovers that the monster that attacked the expedition and his crew came from Morbius’ subconscious after he used the Krell machine.

    Altaira seeing the way Morbius was acting, goes against him and declares that she would leave with the commander and his crew. This in turn makes her father furious and Robby the Robot detects the monster approaching. It seems with Altaira was the monsters target now. Robby shuts down when Morbius demands him to kill off the monster because it knows that the monster is Morbius’ subconscious.

    Hiding out in the Krell Lab that is impenetrable, Commander Adams managed to convince Morbius that the monster was created from his subconscious. Accepting the truth, Morbius is fatally injured after confronting the monster and after having Commander Adams initiate the chain reaction that will blow the planet up. After Morbius passes, the commander and Altaria return to the crew and they leave the planet, Altair IV, before it blows up.

  12. Tommy Lin

    Morbius shows the doctor and the commander the technology of the Krells. He shows a brain device that gauges the intelligence of whoever uses it. He also stated that the first time he used it, he got knocked out, but woke up even smarter. Morbius then takes the 2 officers on a tour to the Krell’s underground complex. Adams wants Morbius to hand over the Krell knowledge and bring it to Earth, but Morbius refuses because he thinks that the human would abuse the technology or even cause their own demise. An invisible force fence was set up around the ship to prevent the invisible creature to enter, but it did not work because the chief engineer was murdered. When the crew encounters the invisible creature again, they throw everything they got at it, but it had no effect and it kills some of the crew members. The doctor snuck into Morbius’ room to use the brain device to increase his intelligence, but it ends up killing him and with his last words, he told the commander that the creature is from the id. The commander was able to piece the information together and figures that the creature is created from Morbius’ id. When the creature came to attack Morbius’ home, Morbius told Robby to kill the creature, but Robby is unable to because he knows that it is a piece of Morbius, so to say. When Morbius accepts that the creature is his creation, he stands up against it, but gets fatally injured. He sets the Krell technology to self destruct and that the commander must take Altaira and get far away, as they watch the destruction of Altair IV.

  13. Gabriel Vega

    In Part 2 of The Forbidden Planet film the space crew now knows what has been disrupting & stealing their equipment so they can escape the planet; they find out its some sort of monster. The monster kills the crew’s chief and the whole crew hears the cry and goes to warn Commander Adams. As the Commander Adams and Lt Doc Ostrow confronts Morbius. Morbius said it was the invisible monster that was responsible for the Krel dying off. Commander asks Morbius for help but he refuses to help and warns Adams if he stays any longer the monster will attack and it will be worse than before. The space crew then tries to track the monster movements using their space crew tech when they see a occurring blimp coming forth again & again they notice it had to be the monster. The appearance of the monster was of a red orange electric radioactive substance. It kills some of the three men from the crew and it survived three bolts of electrocution; turns out to be regenerating it self as the crew see that their attacks from their blasters have no effect at all. The Crew & Commander Adams are terrified and puzzled of what this creature is and don’t’ know what to do except leave as quickly as possible; they evacuate the planet along with the doc & his daughter and Robbie the Robot even if they don’t want to. It’s reveled that the creature is really part of the experiments the Krel did long ago but went terribly wrong. The monster is in fact Morbius subconscious mind, a evil doppelganger, he and his daughter cant be harm due to fact it’s Morbius. It’s his absolute Terminal the Monster from the electric Impulses subconscious hate in mind that’s laid beneath within and that’s’ what led to the destructing of the Krel. The whispers of his thoughts had supply the monster act as a golem to kill folks he didn’t like or were a threat to his world. Doc with his ability to takedown the monster in facts does him in ; he later on dies saving the Commander and his daughter in doing so he dies saving the skipper & his daughter. The space crew leaves along with Morbius daughter Altair plus Robbie the robot and go off to the space craft leave after setting off the planet blowing up by the docs orders so no harm will spread or no one will get stuck their again the end.

  14. Mel

    In the second part of Forbidden planet the crew encountered an invisible force that tried to kill them. During the battle with the invisible creature Chief Engineer Quinn was killed along with two other crew members. Captain Adams went to talk to Morbius about his encounter with the creature but finds Dr. Morbius lock in his krell lab. Dr. Morbius heard Altair screams and ran out of the lab to find the creature trying to hurt Altair and captain Adams. Dr. Morbius told Robby to kill the creature but the force of the unknown creature causes Robby’s system to shut down. The creature broke into the krell metal doors where they took refuge. When the creature entered the lab, Morbius realized that the creature was his “evil self”. He confronted the creature and in the mist of the encounter, Dr. Morbius became injured and the creature disappears. Dr. Morbius told Captain Adams to take Altair and run away from the planet since its was going to be destroy, the captain took his advise and took Altair and his remaining crew and left the planet but witness from the sky the destruction of Altair IV.

  15. alejandra

    During the second part of the movie Forbidden Planet the story of the crew that arrived to this unhabbitad planet and are being attacked by and unknown force continue. They confirm that the creature that was attacking them and had killed one of the crew members was invisible that is why none of the men in charge of the safety could see him while he attacks. They created a force field device that helps to know how does the creature which this time killed another two members of the crew. When they knew what it was, the capitan try to prevent Altair a and his father Dr.Morbius of what was happening, but when he arrived to the Dr’s house, and he started building the passel together and it come out to be that the creature that was attacking and killing all the men was an unregulated force that was been created by the Dr.Morbius. By this time not even him was safe. The monster has all what he ever dream on his evel side, which means that it was unstoppable there is whenmonster decide to pass by the Dr’s house and their is when all he had done come public. What the doctor cares the most was his daughter which decided to go back to Earth after she hears all what her father had done. They all were able to escaped from the planet before the same got destroyed. I belive that Dr.Morbius have some many ambitious that the only way to prove that he was good enough to make them come true was going to a different place in this case a different planet in where rule doesn’t exist, and nobody was behind his back to tell him what he could do or he couldn’t do.

  16. Dolly

    in the last part of the movie the Ship and its crew come under attack by an unseen monster that leaves amazingly big footprints. Its kills one of the important guys and they hold a funeral kinda and then two of the other higher ups go to see Morbius again. He tells them more about the Krell and about how he got all this cool stuff he has. He shows them a machine and measures their IQ. There are some scenes with his daughter Altaira dealing with kissing and clothing. After some disasters and seeing an outline of the monster attacking them two of the important dudes start running around in Morbius’ lab one of them uses the machine he used to increase his intelligence and dies. They slowly uncover the secret after the monster tries to attack Altaira one of the ship’s crew tells Morbius it’s his mind, his ego creating this monster and because he’s mad at Altaira its trying to kill her. They stop the monster and everyone left gets on the ship and then they destroy the place so these things never happen again.

  17. Vayne

    Mathew Tackett

    In the second part of Forbidden Planet, the captain and crew figure out what is attacking them and trying to prevent them from escaping the planet. It’s a monster created from some sort of energy that is impervious to attack. The monster attacks the ship and kills a few crewman, but after a short engagement retreats. Commander Adams and Lt. Ostrow go to confront Morbius. They find out the truth of how the Krell died off and ask Morbius for help in destroying the monster before it can attack again. Morbius warns of an impending attack that will be much worse then before if the crew continues to stay on the planet. When pressed Morbius reveals he used a Krell machine that almost killed him but doubled his intelligence. Adams puts a shield around the ship and a fight insues with the monster who disappears as Morbius wakes up from Altaria’s screams. Ostrow sneaks into the lab and manages to use the machine and explains the purpose of the machine before his injuries kill him. The monster then comes for Morbius and Adams in the lab, tearing through indestructible metals and injuring Morbius after he disowns the creature (when he realizes it is his evil self). Before Morbius dies he has Adams initiate a self-destruct of the planet so the Krell technology can never fall into the wrong hands. From deep space Adams, Altaira, Robby and the surviving crew members witness the destruction of Altair IV.

  18. Peter

    The story of “Forbidden Planet” is similar to that of Shakespeare’s “Tempest”.

    “Forbidden Planet” – part 2

    Today we continued and finished watching “Forbidden Planet”. The crew is making a second attempt to communicate back home. The monster returns and kills one of the crew members. On the following night the crew sets up a force field and are armed and waiting for the monster. When the monster goes through the force field they are able to partially see it, the force field doesn’t work and their weapons do not work as well. The monster kills three more crew members. Morbius wakes up to Altaria having a nightmare and the monster stops attacking the crew.

    Members of the crew including the captain go to Morbius to question him for answers. The captains wants the tech complicated but Morbius won’t allow it saying that they wont understand and aren’t capable of utilizing it correctly. One of the crew member undergoes the same procedure that gave Dr. Morbius his enhanced intelligence. He realise that the machine can realize anything in the imagination and that the monster comes from the id specifically from Dr. Morbius mind. The Krell had succeeded in their plan but the monsters brought about ended their civilization. The monster is attached to Dr. Morbius so much so that robbie the robot cannot attack it. The monster is powered by the near infinite energy of he Krell technology that nothing can stop it. Altaria makes the decision that she wants to leave the planet and go with the crew to earth. This angers her father and causes the monster to reappear and gor after her and the captain. Dr. Morbius tries everything he can to stop the monster but all fails, he eventually realises that the monster is connect to him and instructs the captain to press the red button. The red button is the self destruct button and they have 24 hours to leave the planet and get far away. Morbius decides to stay on the planet. The remaining crew, Altaira and Robbie safely escape the explosion of the planet.

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