Sacatelle LLC.

Sacatelle is a B2B (Business to Business) with the one true goal to revolutionize advertising by creating your company the perfect tote bag. They are a public company which helps design a brand new bag, or redesign a current one, for other companies. By using beautiful design options while closely discussing the company vision with the client, and using only  cheap yet high quality material, their job is to make your brand a walking billboard with practical use!

Awesome, right? So, you’re telling me if I owned a company, I could hire these guys to make a bag out of my poster girl, Ion?

AND, apparently. it’s budget friendly!? WHAT!?

The office is located in Manhattan, New York, West 38th street and 8th Ave, and they also have an office over at Los Angeles, California. It is divided by two spacious rooms, both with huge windows offering quite a view of the Manhattan streets, even though it’s only on the second floor. The larger room is where the Main Team works. This includes the bag designers, the sales reps, and marketing. The smaller room is where the Marketing Team works, which I’m a part of. I have two supervisors: The Marketing Team Supervisor and the Office Head. The size of both teams are roughly the same, each having around 10 members.





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