Agenda for Wed, Dec 1

1–Freewrite: open subject


2–Quiz 3 on BlackBoard. Due by 11am. When you answer a question, you must indicate a source of proof.

Claim—> then—> proof. Use the story to support the claim. 

Example: what ethics does George seem to follow?

Answer 1: Deontology.

Answer 2: Deontology because he has to follow the rules of his engineering job and he has to follow the rules of INS so that Amina can successfully get her green card. 



Homework for Monday, Dec 6: 15 minutes of fierce, energetic, focussed freewriting!

1–Select a story for Final Essay on ethics. Reread the story. Then freewrite about why you like this story for 5 minutes.

2–Freewrite about the central characters from this story for 5 minutes.

3–Freewrite about the most important scenes in the story for 5 minutes. 

**Be prepared to read from your freewrites on Monday.