An App for School
For our final collaborative final project, we are proposing to make an application for Apple mobile device to navigate through the City Tech college website. Name of the application will be “NYCCT”. The application design will be simple, clean and fast. With a touch of a button, it will bring you to the frequently visited link within the school’s webpage. For more convenience, weather report around New York City College of Technology will be displayed. In addition, information in regard to college weather closing will be displayed on the main screen. If one cannot find what they are looking for in our application. There will be an option lead you to the City Tech official website.
This project is relevant to our course because completing this project will require plentiful amount of technical writing techniques. The creator will have to take notes on the process it takes to complete the final product. When the prototype is ready, testers will subject to using the application looking for bugs. We will be also including a simple description of what each function does and how to get to the specific information; this is similar to the “instruction and usability” project, there will be trial and error, where suggestions and problems will be logged. When the final project is complete, a full report will be provided.
The goal of this project is to provide a both future and current student who’s attending City Tech, with a better option to navigate City Tech information with ease and convenience. It will be tremendously convenient and useful to people who wants to look for specific information, like the college academic calendar, majors, and admission, etc. Users will be able to touch on a button specifically made for that file, view it, and then leave the application. Stakeholders would include City Tech, their students, and potential students. The stakeholders would find the ease of access will allow users to quickly navigate the website for course requirements.
To complete this project, our first priority is to research on where the students usually go when they are in City Tech webpage. To do this, we will conduct a survey to find out what students hope to see on the app, and what they mostly looking for when surfing on City Tech website. After the finding, we will need to create a prototype to see if everything is working accordingly. If so, we would include more features that may be of convenience.
There are three members in this group; we will split the work evenly among each other. Each of us will come up with ideas to add on to our project. To complete this app, we planned to put together all feedbacks from students and staffs, create the app base on feedbacks and original City Tech website, test it ourselves and have students experience it, then modify the app as needed. While creating the application, works and codes can be combined later on for a product.
Our meeting will mostly be held either in class, online webcam communication on Monday night, and the social app called “WeChat”. The reason is mainly due to our work and school schedule, a group member has multiple jobs, while the other has work that takes up most of the time. We prefer webcam session because it would be the next closest to face to face communication.
Communication will be hard but, by the end of the project, we will learn how to code together, work collaboratively, and to cope with each other’s schedule. In addition, we will have experience of real life work situation of creating a project and working in a team to accomplish a product.