My first year in US June 2021 I remember I was excited to come in Us . So that I could be with my father and the rest of my family.we landing at JFK airport everyone was rushing to get outside .The immigration police stopped me and asked me for some documents, But I didn’t understand what he was exactly asking for at all . They put me in interrogation room , i was kind of confused and asking myself.Do I have a drug or something illegal? I instantly try to get a wifi and call my father .As soon as he came he was talking with the police officer. He came to me and asked for my medical visit results. I opened my suitcase and gave it to him .he was laughing at me and then the police officer took my passport and put a stamp on it and tell me that I’m ready to go.Arriving in the US was a short of emotions, filled with the anticipation of reuniting with my family and the ambition to start a new chapter in my life. Once we got home I met the whole family, everyone was excited to see me. We spent a good time together telling each other histories.They were telling about the city of New York how it works ,how to behave with people .Two weeks later I started going to school.since my first week was boring , as soon as I joined the school I was trying to get a new friends . Even though I don’t know how to speak English, I got a lot of friends that helped me to starting communicate with people.I even attended the school soccer team immediately since it was the summer time. We started training together with the whole squad at the beginning of the summer before the coach chose his 22 players. The day of the tryout everyone was focused and concerned. I was chosen by the coach . When the tournament started we played our first game everything was cool and then I got injured in the second game, I think that’s thoughtless opponent we faced the game was really thigh . I was so disappointed , my teammates were waiting for me to come back but I was little scared to force my leg or it might not be recovered. I decided to be kicked out of the squad so that somebody else can play. I was really disappointed and nervous,at the end it what it is. I supported my teammates through all the rest of the games and the made it to the semi final . That’s our last stop of this course. It was fun as a newcomer I enjoyed those moments. One day I was going to school like a normal day and I took the wrong train .once I looked at the GPS on my phone I knew something is wrong. I get off to the next stop to find for help . I saw a man passing I showed him my phone he was like «young man what happened to you» I was like «me not English » he respond «huh». So my address was on my ID he put it in his phone and took me all the way to the exact train . Once I got home I told my parents that I got lost and they thought me how to use the GPS correctly. I remember my brother was telling me that as a new Yorker it’s happened to get lost. I’m so grateful about how that man helped me to get home . That man's action was incredibly kind and helpful! It's amazing how strangers can come to our aid when we find ourselves in unfamiliar situations. His action thought me to help others in needed situations. That’s the main experience I learned from it . Getting lost in a new city can be a bit overwhelming, but it's all part of the adventure .At the beginning it’s was struggling but at the end it’s funny. In conclusion, my inaugural year in the United States was characterized by challenges and learning opportunities. While the initial obstacles may have seemed daunting, each experience served to enrich my journey and shape me into a more thoughtful individual. As I look ahead to the future, I am filled with gratitude for the kindness I have encountered along the way and the invaluable lessons that have accompanied me on this transformative path. ◦