Journal 17 – Dr. Seuss vs. Comic Mix

Imitation is indeed the sincerest form of flattery but that only applies when the original is rightfully credited as the “source of inspiration”. Within the creative world, plagiarism and copyright infringement alike are two of the most heinous “crimes” one can commit, it violates all codes of ethics, moral and professional alike. After reading the Dr. Seuss vs. Comic Mix court case document, it is evident that the latter are at fault. They blatantly copied Seuss’ work in all its aspects from the shapes and type and their placements except for the colors. Obviously, Dr. Seuss won the case but I couldn’t help but wonder what it would have been if Comic Mix had the permission to use Seuss work and still produce the same result. Is there still a violation of ethics?


For my internship at NYPIRG, there was not really an explicit policy on the use of image from other sources as a lot of the graphics that employed any image, mostly featured photographs taken my NYPIRG themselves. Also, I made sure that if I used any graphics for my social media chapter meetings poster, I would get from a free website.

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