Journal Entry #2 – The CPC Interview

Well, today is the day. Today is my first interview. I wore casual clothes, but I still keep it professional. I made it to their company building in 3 minutes early. There was a front desk who doesn’t speak a lot of English. I don’t know how to speak Mandarin, but I try to tell him that I want to meet with Helen. Then, he told me, in Mandarin, to write my name, and he went to the workplace to find Helen.

After the 5 minute pass, the supervisor meets up with me. He told me to follow him to his office, and Helen is with me with a notepad and a pen. The supervisor named is Steve. He starts the interview by asking me to introduce myself. For the introduction, I told them that I’m a senior at CityTech. I major in Illustration and Graphic Design. After that, Steve explains about their company, the programs, and what they do. He told me that their work doesn’t have an art-related internship job. It’s mostly social services jobs, but he thinks that I could make posters for their program for a future event. Helen then told me if I want to work with seniors or the youth program. I told her that I want to work with the youth program. After a couple of small talks, I talk about my internship requirements to them because they need to know what my class needs. In the end, Steve gave me his business cards, and I gave them both of my business cards and stickers for taking the time to interview with me.