Research Project

Here are the various projects that I did in different courses in the dental hygiene program. These assignments help me to organize the materials that I learned in the courses,  so I can apply to my clinical practices.

  • Histology & Embryology: Here is a project regarding the normal oral lesion of the tongue. I learned about ankyloglossia, geographic tongue, and black hairy tongue throughout the project.

Please click here for more info: Oral Lesion of the Tongue

  • Pharmacology: As dental professionals, we will encounter patients who take “natural remedies”. This research project was on a dietary supplement made with horse chestnut seed extract, it helped me to learn supplements also have effects on the oral condition. So it is important to obtain a thorough detail on a patient’s medical history.

Please click the link here for more info: Horse Chestnut

  • Radiology: Throughout this project, it helped to develop the skill to be able to identify normal anatomic structures on intraoral and panoramic radiographs.

Please click the link here for more info: Maxillary landmarks project

  • Periodontics: This was a group project on a treatment plan for a patient with AIDS, we were assigned to write different parts and put them together as a whole. I learned how to develop a thorough treatment plan for a patient with HIV to restore or maintain good oral health. Throughout this project, as a dental hygienist, I learned that a successful treatment plan is personalized based on a patient’s medical condition.

Please click the link here for more info: Periodontitis Treatment Planning Assignment

  • Oral Pathology: Throughout this project, Ranules, I learned the role of a dental hygienist in oral pathology. During the soft tissue examination, the dental hygienist can describe and measure the lesion, identify the exact location, and review the patient’s dental history to determine if any previous notations were made.

Please click the link here for more info: Ranules

  • Table clinic at Wellness fair at the New York City College of technology: Osteoporosis? Periodontal disease? The jury is still out! This is a group research project on the relationship between osteoporosis and periodontal disease. This was a very good experience as it was my first time to present in the public to educate people on what we learned based on the researchers.