Tenth Journal: Collaborative Project

We had a short meeting last Tuesday, and know that next week we start working with Angelica. At the meeting, Isana asked us what version we have for Indesign because Anglice doesn’t have the latest version. Therefore, Fengyi borrowed her Adobe account to Angelica that downloaded the latest version of Indesign. For this project, we should recreate the survey handbook. Angelica has to rewrite the contents of the handbook. FengYi and I did the little figures and icons last week. For now, we are working on developing all of the other figures in the handbook like charts, graphs, and questionnaires. In addition, Isana is going offline today after 12 pm for the rest of the week, thus, we should keep in touch with Angelica by self. After, Angelica emails us Brooklyn College have their own guideline of what their Brand publications entail, and mentions that she doesn’t have anyone of those for Brooklyn College fonts and she tried to find either a fitting replacement or any of these actual fonts and download it. I sent a link to her and let her know how to find those fonts and activities, so she doesn’t need to spend much time finding those fonts. 

On Thursday, we keep working with a survey book, Fengyi and I are trying to make the same layout they did before for the book because Isana told us that the layout was mostly the same. The original file we received was a pdf file that cannot be converted into an InDesign file, therefore the text cannot edit. So we should step by step to recreate each text box that can be edited. Finally, we completed the first draft of a survey book. From this project, I have learned that teamwork would be the best solution when we struggle out with something.

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