Descriptions on ClickDaily (Internship Class at ClickDaily)

The company is call Clickdaily. It is founded in 2013 and is headquartered in New York, New York. The primary office is located in 257 West 38th Street Suite 6F in Manhattan; the headquarter office is located at 146 East 46th Street Suite 2R in Manhattan. Clickdaily is a small private company. They have around 11-50 employees in the headquarter office, but they only have around 10 people in the primary office. In the primary office, its departments are Social Media, Graphic and Web Design, and Photography. I work as a Graphic Design Intern at the Graphic and Web Design Department.

Clickdaily is social media marketing company specializing in the hospitality industry. Its primary business is media and information services, and other businesses are social or platform software and application software. They do have many services, including Social Media Management, Reputation Management, Email Marketing, Photography, Graphic Design, Promotional Videos, Influencer Marketing, and Web Design. They have many restaurants related clients, including Roast Kitchen, Le Cirque, AOC NYC, Circo NYC, Felix Restaurant & Bar, Financier Patisserie, TAL BAGELS NYC, New York Burger Co., Tick Tock Diner, The Harold, and Mansion Restaurant.

Because of Clickdaily is a small private company, they don’t have any news article about them. However, they do keep the close personal relationships with their clients; they get good reputations. They are in the business industry for around 4 years now.