Category Archives: Internships

Blog Post 4

I don’t go to class for this week because of the HARD COLD.

Stay at home, and try to catch up my clients on my internship, the client on Air progress sent me the new date and information about the new workshop, and I try to keep the same layout as before and finished the first draft for them. The client is confused about the color of the headline, because of I was using the oranger before, and she hoped me can change to blue, and I tried different blue for her. Finally, we have done for this one before it posts to the online website

The final look of the Assessment 101 workshop poster.

Blog Post 3

80% of classmates still looking for the internship, and I was working on my portfolio and resume. I changed colors of my resume, deleted red and instead of using mint green. The new color looks nice and makes it more clear than before. So, I like it. Thank for Professor gave me the suggestion.

On internship, I need to start my second poster for WAC progress, because they have different workshop event in every month. Now, the new workshop called Avoiding Plagiarism, it’s also for faculty and staff to participate. For Air progress, I was done with the first event and still waiting for the new event come out.


There is the new look of my resume and the new poster for WAC progress.

Blog Post 2

Today, the class taught us how to find an internship, and how to create a good portfolio, resume and cover letter. I was finished those on summer, and my portfolio is not good because I just put them into one by one individual piece. Now, Professor taught me how to design their as a PDF book, and make sure my artworks are mock-up.

On my internship, I was working on Air program and WAC program, the clients asked me to do the poster for them, because they want to make sure faculty in the school can see those workshops are shown up, and they can schedule their time to participate in the workshop.


There is two posters that I worked for my clients.

Blog Post 1

I got my internship at New York City College of Technology, it’s located on the second floor of the school, also it is the Faculty Commons office. I think I’m lucky that got the internship earlier than others. My workmates are nice and always help me, they teach me a lot of design skills and some shortcut keys that I never know.

My role is a designer in my office, my job is to help the school to create the poster for the different event, also I’m working on Faculty event too. So far, I am responsible for the Six different project for different clients, they are:

– City Tech Writer (done)
– Blackboard Workshop (done)
– Air Program (in progress)
– WAC Program (in progress)
– Third Faculty Commons Art Exhibit (in progress)
– Tech Day (in progress)