“Never give up easily, otherwise regret yourself.”I love graphic design and I want to be a graphic designer in the future. In my junior years of high school, I had discovered that I really interesting and passionating about graphic design, so I had study graphic design in 10th grade. I never stop to study graphic design and never change my goal to be a professional graphic designer. My idol in the graphic design industry is Neville Brody, I want to be like him that successful and have a big influence on the society and design industry. His works are very inspired me, and teach me to be bold and think out of space when you design, do not lock yourself in the “design rules” or give yourself a particular style to follow. My goal is to be an international profession graphic designer, and my works are all over the world. In the journey of been a graphic designer, I had involved in the different competition, art shows, and designer’s symposiums. Never stop to chase my goal.
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