Mehreen Khanom Media Share 3

After reading “My Instagram”, I found this article that relates to this text.“Instagram worst social media app for young people’s mental health” by Kara fox talks about how social media has a bad impact on people’s mental health these days. People on social media aren’t always perfect. It shows you what you want to see.  People only show the good side of their life. You don’t know what’s happening behind the camera. In the article, Kara states “Instagram draws young women to “compare themselves against unrealistic”, I completely agree with her because Instagram is setting a fake standard for the people to live by. Young females feel insecure because they want to have an Instagram model’s body. What the followers don’t know is most of the pictures are either photoshopped or these models got plastic surgery. People need to stop depending on this thing they see on social media. There’s a whole different world outside of it. Social media is not reality.

Nahid Ali Media share3

After reading the text “My Instagram” by Tortorici, I want to share this article. Fear of missing out (FOMO) has outlived social media, sites like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram seem to exacerbate the feeling that others are enjoying or living better than you. Although, he was loving Instagram and all the features but realized the side effects. He mentioned, “I came to understand Instagram dwellers as broken people my people. If I was getting depressed, so was everyone else”.  The idea he tries to explain here that you are losing something that can affect your self-esteem causes anxiety and drives you to use social media more and more and you are not the only one. The FOMO is real, it may force you to take your phone every few minutes to check for updates or receive any text or how many likes you receive, even if it means having an accident while driving, losing sleep at night, or giving priority to interaction. In social media around real world relationships in our society today. 

Lubna Mojumder Media Share 3

In the story “My Instagram”, by Tortorici I sort of got lost perusing the content yet in I got from the perusing that the storyteller is essentially fixated or dependent via online media. The storyteller discusses how all that they attempted to remain off online media, they some how discovered their self back on the application. For instance the storyteller tired advising he’s companion to change the secret key on twitter yet at the same time found a reason to backpedal on it, which was the having to know the news all the more rapidly. He was fixated to the point that he made up rules to the web-based media application, instagram.Which us to just follow individuals that he knows, however inevitably winds up defying that norm. Before perusing this section I never thought of myself as dependent via web-based media, however subsequent to perusing it I understood that I truly do the, for example, stay hours on instagram looking again and again, and attempting to keep steady over the new patterns. I feel as though everybody goes there this sort of experience where the discover an application that they are simply snared to. Truly every possibility I get I am on snap visit or instagram. It simply insane how an application can take your entire center, and shut out your environmental factors.

Kamille’s Media Share(1)

My media share is a YouTube video (, this video is mainly about the impact black women can do in the world today. It helps shows me that you can become and do anything you put your mind to. Being your self is your main priority, the only opinion that truly matters is your own. This video relates to because not only as a black individual, but also as a woman there is always someone who tells you how to be or how go forward with your life, but in reality I have the wheel in how I shape my life. After a rainy day there is always sunshine.

Kamille’s media share 3

In the story “My Instagram”, by Tortorici I kind of got lost reading the text but in what I got from the reading is that the narrator is basically obsessed or addicted to social media. The narrator talks about how everything they tried to stay off social media, they some how found their self back on the app. For example the narrator tired telling he’s friend to change the password on twitter but still found an excuse to go back on it, which was the needing to know the news more quickly. He was so obsessed that he made up rules to the social media app, instagram.Which us to only follow people that he knows, but eventually ends up breaking that rule. Before reading this passage I never thought of myself as addicted to social media,  but after reading it I realized that I literally do the such as, stay hours on instagram scrolling over and over, and trying to stay on top of the new trends. I feel as if everyone goes there this type of experience where the find an app that they are just hooked to. Literally every chance I get I am on snap chat or instagram. It just crazy how an app can take your whole focus, and block out your surroundings.

3. For Friday 9/11

1. Read & comment on one other person’s Media Share #3 (someone with no comments or only a few comments).

2. Read & comment on one other person’s Essay 1 (scroll down and choose carefully). In your feedback, tell them what you think the conflict they should try to develop is as well as a moment in their essay that they should expand into a scene (a “movie in the mind”).

3. Namwali Serpell’s “Triptych: Texas Pool Party” is the next on our reading list, and what I want you to pick up on here is not only the conflict at the heart of this essay—racism, police brutality, and so on—but also the extremely creative way in which Serpell plays with perspective in this experimental narrative. You’ll notice that she tells the story in three parts, hence the title. Each part re-tells the same story from a different perspective. Here’s what I want you to respond to in this text and how:

A. First, tell me why Serpell may have titled this text “Triptych” (hint: click the link above). Then I want you to describe to me the perspective—the point of view—from which each of the three parts is written. For each part, consider: is this one or more than one person narrating and how do I know? Is this even a person narrating—and how do I know? If this is a person, can they be identified—and how do I know or not know? If so, who is this person—and how do I know?

You’ll notice I just said “how do I know” about five thousand times. This is because I want you to get into the habit of asking yourself this question when you interpret texts you are reading. To that end, in each of your responses—to parts 1, 2, and 3 of Serpell’s text—I want you to include one quotation to serve as evidence of who you think the narrator is (who the perspective of each part belongs to). This will be fun…and probably hard!

A1. Part I

A2. Part II

A3. Part II

Optional/Extra-credit: How does Serpell’s telling this story through these three different “lenses” lead us to think differently about the main conflicts—racism, police brutality, etc.—that are at stake in this text? What, moreover, do you think of Serpell’s work?

B. I want you to write two versions of a scene for your Essay 1 (a scene, remember, is a description of action that allows your reader to form a “movie in the mind”). In the first version, I want this scene to be written from your perspective (using “I”). In the second version, I want you to experiment (like Serpell) with writing the same scene from another perspective. You can write from the perspective of another person present in the scene, from the perspective of an animal present in the scene, an object present in the scene (a desk, a phone, a car), and so on…

B1. Scene for Essay 1 from your perspective (“I”)

B2. Same scene, told from the perspective of another person, animal, or object

Jasleen Aujla-Media Share 3

After reading the text , I can relate this video with the text . . It is about Instagram how it ruins people life. Teenagers get addicted to it as Dayna Tortorici was. They thought instagram is cool but they don’t realize the effects that it has.  Sometimes we saw someone’s story or posts on instagram and we thought that this person is very happy in his /her life and he/she is perfect but we don’t. We started to compare us with them that we are not good as they are.. This is also the reason of anxiety when people stress or overthink. By the time, it started to effect on our mental health. People also comment on someone’s body or the way they look. It lower our self esteem. It make us think that we are not perfect. This become reasons of mental issues.  So there are many negative effects that Instagram has in our mental health.

Alexandria Dorato/ Media Share 3

Social Media and Mental Health

In today’s world teenagers including myself are addicted to social media. In the text “My Instagram”, Dayna Tortorici discusses how addicted she is to Instagram. She stated “Each morning I woke up to my phone alarm and rolled over to tap it off and, If I had time, looked at Instagram half-asleep. I easily spent an hour on it a day—in bed, on the subway, or at my desk during lunch”. I wanted to share this article because it covers how social media could make you feel insecure even though most of the pictures are photoshopped. Social media could be toxic since it manipulates you to feel that you have to look a certain way in order to satisfy yourself and your followers. Tortorici says “in truth, my self  image began to prune from swimming so long in the sea of fitstagram, I spent too much time at the gym and worried about my forward head position, an affliction common to people who spend too much time on their phones”. This quote shows how Instagram could set unrealistic expectations on what you believe you should look like after seeing such a “perfect” body. It lowers others self esteem because they feel they could never look like that no matter how much time they put in at the gym. Everyone has a different body type which is what a lot of people don’t understand. Tortorici originally only followed people she knew but then started to follow fitness gurus with photoshopped pictured which led her to feel self-conscious about herself. If you noticed, people only post the highlights of their life on social media which is another reason why low self esteem is common. Not only does social media make you feel self-conscious but it also makes you feel like you’re missing out on life. For example, when you see Kathy going on vacation three times a year and exploring the world while you’re sitting home and scrolling through Instagram. I tend to take a break from social media because I noticed that it actually helps me stay focused on my goals. It’s difficult to stay away from it but it is ultimately the healthiest option.

Media Share 3 Eufemio Guerrero

While reading “My Instagram” it just reminded me so much of this one song “Instagram” by DEAN. He talks about in this song on how many people around the world including himself how there is so many fake smiles on the media or Instagram and throughout nights he would stay up at night scrolling through Instagram feeling sad and empty as he liking other peoples so called happy lives they portrayed. “I’m sinking inside a square ocean”, this can be referred as our phones and how we are too deep onto our phones or attached an obsessed with how people would want to look at us.

Media Share 3 Aldo

I once read a book on social media addiction called the power of habit. It was about how we can use our brains to become addicted to something. The book really reminded me of Dayna Tortorioi’s “My Instagram”. The power of habit was written by Charles Duhigg, and he is one of the most influential people in psychology. The book talks about how habits are formed through repetition. In this book, he talks about how you can learn to be more disciplined when you’re trying to become more disciplined. He also talks about how you can get rid of your bad habits if you want them to go away. As we know Instagram can be very addicting because of all the unrealistic lives and edited pictures that influencers post created a low self esteem for others who now feel embarrassed to post something that will probably be nowhere near that. I think it’s important to understand what makes us addicted and why we need to change our behavior.