Nahid Ali Media share3

After reading the text “My Instagram” by Tortorici, I want to share this articleFear of missing out (FOMO) has outlived social media, sites like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram seem to exacerbate the feeling that others are enjoying or living better than you. Although, he was loving Instagram and all the features but realized the side effects. He mentioned, “I came to understand Instagram dwellers as broken people my people. If I was getting depressed, so was everyone else” The idea he tries to explain here that you are losing something that can affect your self-esteem causes anxiety and drives you to use social media more and more and you are not the only one. The FOMO is real, it may force you to take your phone every few minutes to check for updates or receive any text or how many likes you receive, even if it means having an accident while driving, losing sleep at night, or giving priority to interaction. In social media around real world relationships in our society today. 

2 thoughts on “Nahid Ali Media share3”

  1. The points made in the article are interesting, considering how the results are kind of observable in daily life. We can see the results mirrored in fundamentally sad people chasing a standard that they saw on social media, and fundamentally positive people being the way that they are because of a strong sense of self. The article’s even more interesting since I can relate to the arguments, with me being in a depressive state during my freshman year where I was deep in social media and progressing to a better, more positive mindset by the time I graduated, during which time I barely spent time on social media.

    There may be no solid links between depression and social media as of now and everything is based on conjecture, it’s really interesting to think about how social media really affects the users, and how we can use that info to be healthier people.

  2. I agree with you. Social media end up taking over our lives and leave a bad impact. People in this generation are on their phones 24/7 to the point where they forget about reality. Social media is taking control over people’s emotions and making them believe something that’s not real. I liked how you made a connection to yourself and wrote about your own experience.

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