Run-on Sentences

A sentence is considered a run-on sentence when it has several ideas that are crammed together one after the other without punctuation or without joining them properly with conjunctions this often happens when we write fast and think fast and also when we don’t take time to proofread.

The previous sentence is a run on sentence. There are four ideas in that sentence. 1. several ideas crammed into one sentence 2. without pause or joining them properly with conjunctions or punctuation 3. this happens when writing and thinking fast 4. and when we don’t take time to proofread.

This would be a better way to deal with that sentence. A run-on sentence has several ideas that are crammed together without punctuation or, without joining them properly with conjunctions. This often happens when we write fast and think fast. It can also happen when we don’t take time to proofread.

Notice how much easier it is to take in all of the ideas that are presented when they are not thrown together in one sentence. Also notice that some words were cut while reconstructing that sentence. Eliminating excess words helps to avoid repetition and often makes things clearer. Please remember that using the proper conjunctions and punctuation allows the reader time to pause, in order to understand what they have read.

Check out the following links for tutorials on run-on sentences.


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