To those of you who have submitted and workshops your editorial illustration ideas… GREAT JOB! On the whole we have some really wonderful potential illustrations!
However… A truly DISTURBING number of you guys have not posted your concept sketches, which were due on Tuesday the 11th. You have missed your deadline and have fallen behind.
TOMORROW Tuesday the 18th is the deadline for your Digital Value Studies. Again please post to the Editorial Illustration page to be found in COURSE WORK.
And next week Tuesday the 25th is the Deadline for the Final Pencil drawing, which we will begin to ink in class.
Deadlines are part of being a professional working artist.
The time to get it together is NOW.
ALSO- to be fully prepared for your next class Tuesday the 25th you must READ the 4 posts on WORKING IN COLOR to be found in RESOURCES.
Do you want me to use the edit paper you sent me or my own concept sketch of the first drawing for my shade values? I need to know as soon as possible.