Product Illustration for Sea Dog Wild Blueberry

For this project, my client is a craft beer called Sea Dog Wild Blueberry. Sea Dog is a brewing company in Bangor, Maine, USA. The purpose of this project was to redesign an existing beverage label for my client. My approach for this project included blueberries, dogs, beer barrels, and the sea. Since this beer is a blueberry flavor, my goal was to create a fun scene with the dogs in an ocean of blueberries. During my process in creating this illustration I faced many challenges. For instance, I had difficulty forming the waves and the proportion of the dogs. I found myself constantly looking back at my references to help me create my final design. By looking at my references I got a better sense as to what to do. After putting the final drawing onto the watercolor paper, I was a bit intimated by the brushes and the ink. I started to do a warm up exercise before beginning and I found that to be helpful. Instead of using the brushes first, I used the sketching pen with the nibs. I found it easier to work with since I had more control over the lines I created and the amount of ink. Overall, I was very cautious while working on this project and I learned how to use ink with a variety of brushes and sketch pens.




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Concept Sketches

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Value Roughs



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Final Art


Mock up for Final Product

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