I picked this place as it was my favorite spot to be when i feel depressed, also it has a special place in my heart because it remimds me of Alexandria, Egypt. The place i grow up seeing all time
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Hector’s favorite place, Drawing
The place I chose to draw is my grandfathers old house. I have my best and worst memories on this house which is why this is my favorite place. This house is old so it’s going to be taken down and replaced with a “new and better” house. I was proud I drew the house the best I could but I still feel like I can do better so I plan on drawing it as often as I can before my time is up and gets taken down.
Melanie Martinez One Point Perspective
The place I chose to draw is my house’s livingroom because it’s the single room that brings everyone together. This room is meaningful because it’s the first place I see when I wake up in the morning and the last place I find myself at the end of the day. It’s the single place in the house where you can sit down to eat, to talk, to watch a movie, to argue and to talk about life. Four walls full of positive, negative memories.
The place that I chose to draw that was special to me was my aunt house because to me that is my second home. When I was little, my mom would always drop me off at my aunt house before going to work every night. Around the holiday season especially Christmas I would always spend tye night at my aunt house waking up the next day on Christmas day. Even now that I’m older I would always go over there to visit and it’s funny because now I have the keys to the house. There will never be a home like this ever again.
- Emmanuel DeWalt: Two Point Perspective Drawing
Week 13: Repeating Patterns in Perspective
Two Point Perspective Assignment
Here is the Foundations DRAWING SP17 – WEEK 12 assignment. Again you must remember to always begin with the HORIZON LINE… then frame the composition… then establish your the VANISHING POINTS. Keep in mind your VANISHING POINTS DO NOT NEED TO BE WITHIN THE PICTURE PLANE.
Practice drawing a simple house in two point perspective. Then, start to add more complex features: a chimney, trees, a pattern on the sides or roof of the house etc.
Also be sure to do the reading CHAPTER 5 of creative perspective … its in the post below!
Here is an example of a City in two point perspective, similar to your homework assignment. Feel free to use reference images and imagination to draw your city of the past or future!
For morse helpful hints read watch the videos in the post below!
Creative Perspective Chapter 4
Hello Class! Welcome to ONE POINT PERSPECTIVE!
To create a drawing from One Point Perspective you need to know a few basic things. One Point Perspective is also called Parallel Perspective because YOU are parallel to the objects that you will be drawing. Also, vertical lines are parallel and horizontal lines are parallel and the back edges of objects that recede in the distance are parallel to the front edges of those objects.
Below is your required reading of the week.
Creative Perspective Ch 2 & 3
Below is your required reading of the week.
Women in Comics Exhibit in the Grace Gallery
Hello Guys-
This is the show I was speaking of last week… please come by! Extra Credit if you do!
In celebration of Women’s History Month,
The Department of Communication Design presents…
Women in Comics Exhibit in the Grace Gallery.
Featuring female artists spanning all aspects of the comics industry; from Marvel and DC to Independent Comics. These amazing creators are artists, writers, and entrepreneurs … and the show even features a City Tech alum!
Opening Reception
Thursday, March 16 5:30 – 8:30 pm
Exhibit Continues until April 20th
When you have questions about the class, or assignments please post them here, so that my answers benefit other students who may have the same questions.
By tagging your posts with the category, office any questions you have for me will appear here on this thread, and be easy to find for all of us.
If you need to communicate with me privately, please email me at SJWoolley.citytech.cuny.edu
or stop by my office hours:
N1126 Tuesdays 12-2pm