Week 11 classwork

09-Nov | Week 11

Two Point Perspective

Warm up Activity:  One Point Perspective

Working in groups set up a still life.  Choose an object which you will draw using 1 point perspective.  Do the following exercises.

  • Begin with a blind contour drawing.
  • Next draw, create a cross contour drawing of one object from the still life. Focus on observing those ellipses, GO slowly.
  • Lastly Draw the object you’ve chosen in perspective to the best of your ability.

Review Lecture :  One Point Perspective


Planes                                                             Foreground

Vanishing Point                                              Middle Ground

Horizon Line                                                  Background


  • Group Critique : 1 Point Perspective Assignment Drawings

How successful were we? Did we create the Illusion of Depth?

What strategies to create depth did we combine with 1 point perspective?




  • Drawing from life in one point perspective

How do we turn an ellipse into a 3-d form effectively? : Using the Rectangluar Prism as a base form.


  • In class Practice: Drawing Cylindrical Objects from one point perspective


  • Introduction to two point perspective


  • Frame your picture plane.
  • Draw your Horizon Line.
  • Choose 2 vanishing points.
  • Rule lines to that vanishing point.
  • Draw parallel vertical lines to form objects.


  • Draw a Building from Two Point Perspective. (15 min)


Beginning with a rectangular prism as a base shape, draw a unique and detailed building. Give the building an identity.  Is this your dream home? A futuristic university? A castle or fort?  Use realistic shapes and forms, and objects you can study in the room to create a sense of realism. Avoid drawing characters.  Stick to objects, landscapes, and architecture.