Image Post

Now this post isn’t entirely related to what my blog is actually about but I just want to throw something out there to the world. Something that I’m pretty sure nobody would ever say. E.T

This picture up there is my favorite picture of all time. This picture is off the old and original and first E.T the game. Why did I choose this? Well it shows a lot of history and how much hard work gaming industries had to go through just to make something that everyone or majority of the world to enjoy. E.T the game was told to be the worst of the worst games out there. So bad that they actually buried over thousands of copies of the game.

E.T buried

Now don’t get me wrong yes I can understand why people hated it. Have I ever played it? No, I haven’t but if I had that chance I will. These two image represent a set of games that deserved a chance to redeem themselves. So my reason to choose these was because even though the game was at the bottom of the list of all games, there were people who still liked the game enough to keep their copy of it. That shows that the game had some good in it. The first image is important so that I can remember what I’m doing this for. So I can speak out for the games of both great and not so great games and explain that there should never be a game title as “bad.”


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