ENG 3771

Assignment #1-Case Statement

The ability to accurately report information in a focused way to a particular audience is necessary for any professional employee to know how to do, and to do it well. For this assignment, I had the opportunity to create a report on an entrepreneurial idea that I had for a long time.

Embedded in my principles, art is an essential part of my lives, therefore my passion for creating a clothing brand. My desire to produce radiantly designed tees, detailed illustration and a strong gratefulness for creativity. Moreover, I love the idea that I will be able to inspire people and bringing art to our lives. In this report I explain why, what and how will I carry out my entrepreneurial idea.



Assigment #2-Value Proposition
In this assignment I had to create an informative message that conveys information that does not require a response or persuasion. Moreover, the purpose of this task is to deliver a message that talk about my values, experience, and passion in the workplace.  It is extremely important to me to express my career goal, my motivation in moving forward with my profession, and the ability to overcome any obstacle in order to grow as a person and as a professional.
One challenge that I came across while working on this assignment, was to present negative features in an appropriate and in a constructive manner. Thus, this assignment has taught me a way to convert negative message into a positive by looking at any difficulty, as an opportunity to find a solution and to learn from it.

Value Proposition


Assignment #3-Cover Letter and Resume
One of the important documents in obtaining a job is to the cover letter. It is your first step in landing a job and may be the only opportunity to engage to a prospective employer. It is the key to convince the employer throughout your passion and career goals to look at your resume. Now, the cover letter will introduce your resume, because they both work together as a representation of who you are and what are your objectives. My approach in creating these two documents was to write in a tone that is direct and modest manner that conveys my enthusiasm as a graphic designer.
It was very challenging in writing this document, because I had to show my aspiration that sounds genuine while keeping it simple. Although I was able to do these documents as instructed as I could, it is a good approach but I still need to improve in making complex ideas into a simple idea, something that would stand on its own merits.

Resume and Cover Letter


Assignment#4-Kerning Poster
I have completed many writing documents that talk about my goals, my desire of continue learning and most importantly my passion in my career as a Graphic Design. Now, I must demonstrate what I have learned and apply it to this document.
My desire to discover and having a better understanding of typography as encourage me to create a poster about kerning and its importance. I consider kerning a very significant for graphic designers; it’s about the passion for creating great work by paying attention to details that could misinform people. This poster communicates an important skill for me. Kerning it’s like any other technique, and only best way to master it, is by practicing.


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