Question # 4

Love first appears in this novel when Claudia’s mother has to take care of her when she got sick. “Great Jesus. Get on in that bed. How many times do I have to tell you to wear something on your head.” Though Claudia and her mother’s love was more like tough love then anything. Her mother would always take care of her but was always complaining about it. “Now, look at what you did. You think I got time for nothing but washing up your puke?” In this novel there is also a lack love. Pecola does not experience love in her house hold or at school. Her mother and father were too busy fighting with each other to worry about her. Everytime they fought she wanted to disappear. In school she was ignored and despised for being ugly. For Pecola this lack of love makes her wish that she was beautiful, it makes her want blue eyes. She thinks if she had blue eyes everything would be different and her parents would change and say things like, ” Why, look at pretty-eyed Pecola. We mustn’t do bad things in front of those pretty eyes.”

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One Response to Question # 4

  1. cindy says:

    yes, and because pecola lack of love made her become loneliness, low-self estem, depressing, she did want to have those blue eyes badly with the hope everything would change, everyone would treat her better and wont make fun of her, at least would treat her with love and respect

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