According to Lorde’s β€œFor in order to survive, those of us for whom oppression is as american as apple pie have always had to be watchers, to become familiar with the language and manners of the oppressor, even sometimes adopting them for some illusion of protection” to me signifies that we as a society is so accustomed to oppression that it has become a normative thing. But in alot of cases i believe that oppression can somewhat make a person stronger because of the struggles they have to overcome. But then again normal is becoming more of an outdated word in our time and age because no one is normal, yeah in the sense of being fully capable and not in special needs or something of that nature(not saying nothing about people like that) but everyone is changing, clothes, thinking, gays, straights, religion etc. normal isnt what it used to be. How every lady wore a dress and a man wore a tie and suit, or when people wore togas, normal is just a phrase to use as an excuse. David is falling into the thoughts of being a norm, when norm is just being you.

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4 Responses to QUESTION#3

  1. It is true, Joshua. Norms depend on context–they shift from place to place and throughout time. But norms certainly impact everyone, whether we are defined by being “normal” or defined by not being “normal!”

  2. Thank you for your reply, but you didnt have to yell at the end professor lol

  3. Haha, was I yelling? I’m sorry!!!! πŸ˜‰

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