Reading Popular Culture


The subject appears to be avoiding eye contact with everyone on this train, a smart move indeed, as the subways in New York City are known to be crawling with odd ducks; who make it a priority to engage in unwarranted and extremely uncomfortable discussions with anyone who even looks in their general direction.  Not to mention he appears to be completely entranced by the book He’s reading. I’m noticing every few pages or so he’s smirking, gently chuckling to himself, highlighting, carefully underlining and annotating in the aforementioned book. He seems to be enjoying himself quite a bit. Upon further examination, I can see that he keeps taking breaks to draw in an unmarked black book he seems to be doing graffiti of sorts and based on that observation alone … I take it this guy plays by his own rules and operates on the fringes of the law or he could be a kind yet misunderstood soul, with a very peculiar outlook on the world. I don’t know but either way, this guy seems cool. I could be wrong but I doubt it. Now onto his wardrobe, I’m noticing his jeans are really fitted and pin rolled at the bottom which was a popular 80’s trend amongst the youth of that era and this would explain that vintage / funky old school vibe that I’m picking up off of him. Now, his sneakers are really beat up but I can tell that this is intentional he seems like the type of cat that; if someone were to ask him about the condition of his shoes, he’d say something along the lines of “these shoes tell stories, man!” or something close to that but then again I could be wrong because I barely know the guy.

1 Comment

  1. Laura Westengard

    Great semiotic analysis! Since there are not one but two books involved (a book and a notebook), these must hold some meaning for you. What do you think it means to be reading and writing on the subway? Does it send a particular message?

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