Blog 1 (Due 2/7 by 11:30 am)

For this blog, you are going to perform a semiotic analysis of yourself. Imagine that someone is looking at you right now, and write a description of yourself from their point of view using 3rd person point of view. In a well-developed paragraph, describe the signs that they see on your body (your clothes, hair, shoes, phone, etc.) and imagine how they would interpret those signs to make assumptions about your personality and identity.

For example, you might start out by writing something like this about yourself: “He is wearing a futuristic-looking bluetooth device around his neck that makes him seem like he cares about the latest technology and wants the world to know that he has the newest tech gadgets. I imagine that he has a job so that he can afford the bluetooth headset and the Android phone that he holds in his hands. While most of the people around him have iPhones, he has chosen an Android to show that he is an independent thinker who wants to be able to customize his phone and who doesn’t follow the crowd.”

To post your blog:

  • Make sure you are logged in to OpenLab and have joined our course on the “Course Profile” page
  • Then click on the + at the top center of the page
  • Use your name as the post title
  • Write or copy/paste your paragraph into the text box
  • If you want to include an image or file, use the “add media” button
  • Then click “publish.”