Weekly Reflective Journal #11

Last Tuesday, all housekeeping CPs in Caribbean Beach Resort had the opportunity to visit the textile services, where they wash all the linens. It was definitely a huge facility where we were able to see all the different machinery they use, and the different task cast members had to do. I used to think the cast members had to fold the towels, and linens themselves but they actually just feed it into a machine where they fold it themselves! Their roles are relatively easy, where they just feed the dirty linens and towels into machines, and have it pass down until the end, where it becomes ready to be shipped to the different resorts. It was definitely an exciting opportunity to witness such an amazing facility of Disneys! They have a total of 3 laundry facilities; one for resorts, another one for costuming and the last one for table cloths and such for food and beverage. After the visit at the textile services, we made a trip to Hollywood Studios where we did a scavenger hunt. Me and my partner did not win, but we still had the opportunity to learn a lot.

I started to realize it’s a privilege do be working in a VIP section. While most full-time employees don’t enjoy working in a VIP section, I realize it takes a lot of time and effort into cleaning just one VIP room because you have to pay attention to the slightest details and make sure everything is perfect. I’ve had quite a lot of VIP check-outs. I had to clean rooms that weren’t within my section, and also rooms where full-time housekeepers already cleaned, but I had to RE clean their rooms because they were not up to standards and the manager actually requested a CP, such as myself to RE clean them. I understand how important VIP rooms are because the manager would make calls to furniture to change all the bed skirts, and such and also to shampoo the carpets. I always had to take at least two hours cleaning a VIP room because I have to actually clean the dust from the fans and lights and they are so high, and I am so short. I had to reach very high places just to clean them because we don’t have any equipments that allows us to clean the dust as thoroughly.

My parents came to stay with me for a week and we stayed in Holiday Inn. I couldn’t help but peek around from corners to corners checking the housekeeping performance and I was so disappointed! They did not vacuum our room for 7 days, no matter how many times I left notes, NOR did they change our linen! They just tightened it to make it seem like it was changed when it wasn’t because we still see our hair strands on the sheets. If I have never worked as a housekeeper, I probably wouldn’t had taken notice of these things, but I did.

Fiona Deng
Caribbean Beach Resort

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2 Responses to Weekly Reflective Journal #11

  1. Because you learned during the Scavenger Hunt you are a winner!!!!

    The activities you explained were both educational and encouraged team building, this is a smart approach to training their workforce.

    You are becoming an expert in housekeeping!!! You will find that the standards you have developed will always stay with you. The information you experessed is all valuable for interviews. I am thrilled that you are learning and that your standards are never sacrificed.

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