Journal #11

Yesterday was my last day of work, it was a sad knowing I was not going to be able to see those smiling faces that made me proud of what I do. Saying by to all those great people I’ve met throughout this program was emotional but it’s all those moment that we shared that truly matter. I consider myself fortunate to have had the privilege to meet all of my fellow cast members , supporting leaders and many unforgettable guest, that was truly magical.

I could only imagine how hard it must be for all the full time cast members and leaders to see many CPs come and go, it’s all very rapid and as soon as you start building a trust relationship it seems like time is up. I think many cast members try their best to keep their distance from CPs not because they despise us (or perhaps they do) but rather to avoid going through seeing a very good friend leave. It is not easy, in my case I looked up to many full time cast members because each one of them had a story for instance one of the new front desk cashiers had been transferred from driving a ferry boat for about ten years, he loved it.  Unfortunately soon after he finished training they placed him for graveyard, he seems tired but always smiles and has a great spirit, I hope he can get a better schedule.

Yesterday I was able to spend some time with one of my leaders whom I deeply admire. She is a very hard working woman, she motivates you to do your best and when ever I was in doubt as soon as I approached her, she listened. Always taking everyone’s opinion into consideration, she always found ways to make guest and cast happy. It was a pleasure working with everyone, every smile had a different story and I am grateful to have them be part of my story.


Nonetheless, I am very proud to say I have successfully completed this program.

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4 Responses to Journal #11

  1. Before I applied to Disney College Program, I did hear rumors about full time cast members disliking DCP cast members. After reading this posts, it helped me understand as to why full time cast members might seem aloof towards DCP cast members. I am glad you had the opportunity to build a connection with former cast member and learned from them.

  2. Keriann says:

    When it came time for many of the CPs to go home this past month, many of the full-time Cast Members expressed the same sentiment you described. They would say, “As soon as we get to know you CPs, you up and leave! Why are you all always trying to break our hearts?” Although there’s a chance that some CPs will decide to stay at Disney part-time or even full-time, most of us do not. I hope that the new front desk cashier will be given earlier shifts. I’m sure his positive demeanor will lead him to a better schedule!

    It’s wonderful that you found a leader who you can look up to. Leaders like the one you mentioned are the ones who really enrich our working experience on the program and help us become better team members and leaders.

  3. Min Hui Siew ,full time cast members are often the ones who look out for you, they are great role models and at the end of the day want to protect their emotions.

  4. This post really hits home for me, during my last program the hardest thing to do was say good bye to the new experiences I had created with the people around me. I found this to be a real positive end to a positive experience because I personally couldn’t admit that I was leaving my life there , the place where I feel my life as an adult truly began. Sorry it’s late but since I’ll be returning for a second time I felt a strong connection to this post.

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