Journal Entry #13

11224536_922201914485555_7593178774464847894_nI was finally able to visit Animal Kingdom but I did not get to cover the entire park. Mount Everest had a 10 minute wait time so I took advantage of that and got on the ride a few times. This has become one of11036889_922201874485559_7611956356130837729_n my favorite rides throughout all the Disney Parks. It was a very hot day and fortunately I was able to get a fast pass for Kali River Rapid Congo. I did not expect the drop to be that intense but it was a fun experience. I was also able to do two trails, which were both fun and educating. While viewing the bats it was surprising to me that there was no glass as a barrier between the guests and the bats.

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I am really excited because I began training at Disney’s Blizzard Beach this week. I had classes at Disney University, which was a shorter version of the Welcome to Operations that we first had to take upon arrival. After this class I took Welcome to Park Operations, which went over a brief description of each role and what to expect in the theme parks. I also had Forecast Blizzard and I have never been to Blizzard Beach prior to this class so I was so excited. The park is not that big but there is a lot of walking involved if you are not taking the chair lift.


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One Response to Journal Entry #13

  1. I”m going to animal kingdom tomorrow and Mount Everest its my first stop. I hear it’s one of the best rides. It was nice seeing you, you are getting the best hours! Best of luck on your new role, have fun.

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