Value-Added Portraits: Phase 1

  High Key image is meant to be more pale, with more lighter tones and almost has pure white in the image. This composition makes the photo look almost colder, maybe even with more added sunlight, and very little black. photo was taken underneath a bright light.

  Low Key image has a bright hand in the frame, but very little white in any other part of the photo. All potential brightness is directed towards the hand. The rest of the photo is darker with tones of gray. The way this photo was lit, it gives off the impression that this photo was taken at night with a flash illuminating it.

Broad Range this last photo has tones of gray, black and white mixed throughput to create a full gray scale. The palm, while not shown, is facing towards the outside, towards the light, meanwhile the back of the hand is receiving little light. This image, in my opinion, feels more natural, having the most ranges in tone, while the others feel more forced. I would say this is because having a range like this is more natural.

low key
high key


Sound visualization: Phase 1

These are the sketches that I made for the staccato and legato pieces of music that we did in class. Most of these I didnt use because they were either too much to draw or just didn’t really like it enough to put it on the finishing piece. Some of them were also inspired by some of the muni was listening to.

Sound Visualization: Phase 3


This animation is 10 seconds long and I decided not to have both my audio for staccato and legato overlapping each other. I wanted the two songs to have their own impact and, the drawings I did for each song to move with the audio meant for it. The song for staccato is called Black Sheep by Metric, and the legato song is called when the party is over by Billie Eilish.

Overall Hours: 6 hrs

Value-Added Portraits: Phase 1

The high-key image sets the mood of morning time. The light is hard against the skin which because it’s by the window one can tell the sun is still out thus, morning time. The highlight of the hand is closer to the glass and the shadow is at the center of the image. It is abrupt even though it has a small gradient from white to gray. This could contribute to a serene mood because the hand is resting in the morning light.

The broad range image sets the mood of curiosity through the hand gesture brushing against the surface for texture. The light here is a gradient with various whites, grays and dark value ranges. The shadow is underneath the fingertips and by the palm while the highlights are on the thumb connecting to the skin. This could contribute to mystery because the shadow and light remind me of night time where hard shadows from the moonlight tend to appear.

The low-key image sets the mood of drama because of its intense shadows and the highlight only on the edge of the hand. It is very abrupt but still offers a gradient from gray to dark. This contributes to drama because the only lit part of the hand is on the side but the room is generally dark which makes you unknown to what the hand may be reaching out to.

Hours: 1 hour 20 minutes

Field Trip to New Lab

Farm Shelf

New Lab was filled with many interesting creations and inventions from many different company’s. One of the things I saw and remembered the most was the U Farm shelf. Most good that you by at your local market or restaurants, travel 1500 miles before they are prepared to eat. Eating Fresh grown food is better for the environment and its healthier. With Farm shelf, you are able to almost effortlessly grow ur own food where you live,work, or commune.I think this a really cool, because you could also learn a little about how to farm and grow food.

Sound Visualization Mashup: Phase 3


Song used: See You again instrumental, and Idfc instrumental

The animation is 10 seconds long. I tested out many songs to go with this animation but there were only two that fit together along with fitting in with the animation. I have spinning images and some are wiggly. Then theres a few that are fade ins and most of them enter from the side. Overall i spent around 5 hours and is satisfied.

Urban Artifacts: Phase 4 Deliver

 I thought this project was overall fine, i wish i could have used lines and color, but maybe for i future project i might be able to. This project helped me learn that there are many little details in our environment that we often overlook, but it’s good to stop, and appropriate it once in a while.

I think for this project i could have benefited from working more slowly,  like having more time to design the pictures and really working on it, and moving a bit slower when doing my designs in ink.

For our next project i want to focus more on the design element, and give myself more time with the concept so that i can make it more appealing to look at.  Phase 3       Phase 2      Phase 1     

Urban artifacts: phase 4

Doing this project really made me understand what stable and ambiguous really meant, and also that it can be conveyed in many different ways by different people. it could be sown anywhere, from little things on the street to even buildings on your street. it has also taught me the importance of positive and negative space, placement and contrast.


phase 1

phase 2

phase 3