

definition- a count of the population and a property evaluation in early Rome

in the reading of “here, poverty and privilege are neighbors” it says “in the 1990’s the disparity in many neighborhoods became more pronounced, census data show.”

it’s clear to me that the word “Census” is the number of people living in poverty in that neighborhood at that time.




include, comprehend a plan that encompasses a number of aims

to form a circle about: enclose

bring about, accomplish  encompass a task

I encountered this word on the “Here, poverty and privilege are neighbors: income gaps are a source of resentment and guilt” reading, paragraph 9.

in the reading it says”, where one tract encompasses everything from new luxury apartment houses and full floor condominium lofts to small, decaying apartment buildings.”

I now understand what the word means by reading the definition and the sentence it was found in. it means everything is now coming into one. like there could be different last names in one family.


Urban artifacts: phase 4

Doing this project really made me understand what stable and ambiguous really meant, and also that it can be conveyed in many different ways by different people. it could be sown anywhere, from little things on the street to even buildings on your street. it has also taught me the importance of positive and negative space, placement and contrast.


phase 1

phase 2

phase 3



-a band of colors, as seen in a rainbow, produced by separation of the components of light by their different degrees of refraction according to wavelength

-used to classify something, or suggest that it can be classified, in terms of its position on a scale between two extreme or opposite points.

Project #3 juxtaposition

The first picture is located right in front of the school. Where the city bike rack is located. When I walked outside there wasn’t a lot of people walking around and there weren’t a lot of people on bikes. The reason I chose this is because of the contrast of people walking and riding bikes were the same, so this line represents the separation of transportation. There were people walking, driving and riding bikes, so that’s what I think the three colors represent.

I say that the paragraph describes the position of the picture because as soon as you walk outside of the building, there is a bike rack that holds blue city bikes literally a foot away from the sidewalk. Then there are plants behind those racks.

Avatar Bio


The avatar that I chose was a little cute monster screaming and the reason that I chose that is because I feel like it represents me in a way. I say that because people would usually think that I’m very quiet because I talk low or I either don’t say a lot, but once you get to know me I’m a whole different person. I like to tell jokes and always say what I think.

One trait that guided me to my goals would be that I am somewhat of an innovator. I like to take things and redesign it in my own way. It could be drawing, music, etc. When I look at things my brain just fired off ways that could make it somewhat better or more useful. I could be watching a tv show and in my head I’m thinking “this actor should play her” or “it should be taken place in this place”. Any idea that I have I feel like it should be taken into account somehow they are very valuable.

I am very passionate about success and my music, even though I’m just now starting to do music I feel like it could take me somewhere. Everything I do I just feel like I need to be successful in it. Even though sometimes it looks like I’m not doing anything and being lazy. I’m usually taking this time to think and see if there’s anything that I could be doing better. I feel like my thoughts are very special because twice in my life I have thought if something and then later on in life I see it happening on the big screen. Ever since then I have just been brainstorming ideas, and some of them I have been writing down just in case.

In 5 years I could see myself working with a major or even small movie company. When agreeing to this major I seen myself working for Disney or to even be in a internship with them. In 10 years I see myself working on films with popular movie companies. One of my biggest goals is to work on one of the marvel movies. Either co produce or even direct one myself.

Field trip to new lab

Portal soundscapes

The portal soundscape was a piece that I feel like not a lot of people went to because it just looked like a video that you watch and listen to but once you really go under the the tube you could hear the sounds like your actually a part of the setting. Also looking at the video you can actually feel like your listening and hearing  like your apart of the hospital that your in.

Feather fountain

The feather fountain- was one of the pieces of artwork that I found most interesting, because the way that it looked when we first walked in was amazing and it kind of look like actual birds flying around. When I walked up to it, I seen that it was feathers and they were flying in and around a fan. The air coming from the fan was very calm but powerful enough to keep the feathers floating.