At the ripe age of 7, I absolutely predicted my future when I played my favorite “dentist” game, which was to tap on my poor cousin’s teeth with foreign objects. Of course this never ended well and I certainly had no idea what infection control was, but we both laugh about it to this day.

However, this was the only event in my early years that pointed towards the field of dentistry; what I spent my time on most extensively involved immersing myself in painting and art restoration. Yet nonetheless, looking back, I could see a budding interest in the dental field: During my childhood, I spent my summers with my family in Poland, where dental care was not the best. Most of the time, any type of tooth pain or decay was resolved by an extraction. This has affected some people to this day – they continue to have fear and anxiety in the dental office.

My goal is to not only be able to help those with dental phobia but mainly to educate the community on prevention of oral disease before it leads to a remedy using severe measures.

I am excited to enter a new chapter of my professional life and be a registered dental hygienist. I seek to make a positive impact on the life – and dental care – of people around me and beyond.

