The Current Effects of the Con-Ed Substation

There were many effects caused by the Con Edison’s Power Plant in Vinegar Hill. Its main mission was to pursue environmental excellence, including reducing carbon footprint and other carbon compounds. Con Edison believes in growth of renewable such solar power and wind. While reducing carbon dioxide from the air, it was going to cost a bit more from the community. According to Con Edison, the company has established a strategy on tackling reducing carbon dioxide and other harmful compounds from the air. The five points are 1) Integration of climate change and global warming principles. 2) Reducing greenhouse gas emissions. 3) Expanding energy efficiency program. 4) Setting goals to reduce regional emission. 5) Advocating for legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that is both proactive and balanced through economy wide integration. If Con Edison feels like a steam powered sub-station is not productive they will be reducing funding for that sub-station until it closes. Yes, the Power Plant in Vinegar Hill is very vital for most of Brooklyn’s residents and a small part of Manhattan but is it worth the amount of fires that have happened in the past? Once again, at one point, there were three fires in the two years between 2011-2013. The fire of 2012 was pretty significant. It released PCBs in the surrounding area, and many of the residents of Vinegar Hill were exposed. This is due by leaks or releases from electrical transformer containing PCBs. Various people were affected by the PCBs leak. I believe that the Power Plant in Vinegar Hill should go. Incidents like these can’t happen again. It hasn’t happened in the past four years but who knows when it will happen again. It’s better safe than sorry. What we suggest is replace the Power Plant into a Hall of Science in Vinegar Hill. The Hall of Science in Queens is funded by Con Edison, putting a Hall of Science would and still bring money to Con Edison. We believe that this would be great for residents of Vinegar Hill to have something to enjoy near the community and getting rid of the eyesore of the Power Plant. With people coming to see the Hall of Science, it will bring profits. These profits can be used to renovate some of the unused and gated up spaces in Vinegar Hill. But we also must look at the crime rates of Vinegar Hill. I searched on a website called Truila and it showed me how safe Vinegar Hill and the Hall of Science in Queens was. Green being the safest and red being not safe, both Vinegar Hill and the Hall of Science in Queens is marked green being the safest. Putting another Hall of Science in Vinegar wouldn’t bring any crimes. Having a Hall of Science would benefit a lot of people especially the community of Vinegar Hill. Benefits such as, bringing more people to visit Vinegar Hill, bring profits to fix unused areas in Vinegar Hill, get rid of the Power Plant which won’t prevent guest from looking over the beautiful waterfront view and most importantly, stops the random fires happening around the community. In conclusion, with the Power Plant gone it will bring plenty of attention to Vinegar Hill but no plans of getting rid the Power Plant has be announced. The Power Plant is going to stay for as long as it provides power to parts of Brooklyn and small portion of Manhattan.