Beth Tondreau | COMD1127—D035 | Fall 2023


Comic Sans is generally considered a generic font within typography. While it is true this font is used everywhere, there is a good reason which is how simple it looks. the use of this font within mangas certainly influences my bias towards it.


I am also a fan of the italic font as well. There is a serious contract in moods between the two fonts that i enjoy, with the comics sans bringing a joyful mood while italic brings a more serious one. The italic font as well appears more professional than the comic sans.

1 Comment

  1. Beth (Mary-Elizabeth) Tondreau

    Respect to the face used for mangas and comic books. That noted, as a professor with no sense of humor, I hope to provide less generic options for you during the semester.

    When you note that you appreciate the italic because it brings a more serious mood, I’m perplexed. Comic Sans Italic is not very formal. Do you mean the italic font of a typeface different from Comic Sans?

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