a concise addition for the final draft

The Usage of Boolean search operators isnā€™t a new concept by any means. Search engines have been utilizing the functionality of it since around the inception of the very search engines themselves. Most people unaware of the ability to leverage the power of Boolean operators and Truncation , repeat identical searches using identical termsĀ  in multiple search engines and databasesĀ  numerous times to garner all the different results that they can in relation to their desired research topic(s). Furthermore, some desired results can be lost within the myriad of results that search engines retrieve, federated searching can exponentially increase this by giving you multiple result pools of millions of results each. Having a tool like ā€œInspectioā€ that utilizes these powerful esoteric techniques of searching, brings results that otherwise would have been lost within the result pool , sifts themĀ  out and presents it Ā to you in a desired form. Search for the topic(s), or terms that you want, and get the results you desire, with the undesired results omitted, in a form that is easy and convenient for you to comprehend.

Boolean : http://searchenginewatch.com/article/2049150/Boolean-Searching


Truncation & Boolean : http://bibliotheek.zuyd.nl/en/home/information-literacy/finding-information

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