Serving as a design intern at the federal reserve bank has exposed me to the field of my interest. The courses I took at City Tech prepared me so well for the language and understanding of the Graphic Design field. Many professors would speak on what it’s like to be active in this field. For example, deadlines are significant and many of my Professors would highlight that. Thankfully this has helped me with time management and I have developed the skill to move quickly with my projects. Another area that was highlighted often presented to us was not to be sensitive to feedback. I have experienced presenting my designs to my supervisor and have received directions to change a lot of the work that I had prepared. For example, the Museum has a style guide that I must strictly follow. I had to admit that I was not following the “look and feel” of the guide and so I had to step back. After reevaluating my progress, I found my supervisors insight helpful as I was able to go back and be truer to the style guide.

The work that I am producing at the bank is truly one that fits my interest and major. Throughout my college career I have explored so many branches of graphic design. I have developed a great interest for typography ad my passion for graphic design has truly expanded. Although my concentration is animation/illustration, I still have valid skill set that I am using that I obtained from my design classes. I had the pleasure of meeting an animator who was also a full-time staff. This individual also teaches at SVA (School of visual arts), I was able to have lunch with him and learn about how he ended up at the bank. This made me feel sure that I was in the right place. The most exciting part is that my supervisor expressed an interest for assigning a project to me related to my concentration!

Currently I am working mostly with a design program on a takeaway for the general public. This takeaway is for those interested in learning more about the history of the Federal Reserve System.