If it can’t be bought, now what?

In the article, “How to buy happiness: what good is money if it can’t buy happiness” by Sonja Lyubomirsky they ask college freshmen about their most important life goal and more than half of the percentage checked off being wealthy. In the article she asks what does being wealthy do for our well-being? What does it do for us? Lyubomirsky spoke to a plastic surgeon who in the eyes of a average person would seem to have it all. He was wealthy, owned several luxurious items, a wife and had a stable job. He admitted to loving it at first but after a while it all got boring and dull. He had lost his motivation and his high paying job wasn’t all he had once thought it was cracked up to be. A lot believe that a persons paycheck has everything to do with their well being because of what it can provide for you but through this article they shine a different light on the topic asking you if you have the wealth, how do you buy happiness.

The article states that money does in fact supply our well being but to an extent. Our well being doesn’t revolve around money yet society believes that without it we are nothing. It helps but it is not everything. Money provides more of desired items than anything else. Possessions are only desired for a short period of time before it’s just another object lying around because after it being around for a long period of time it becomes uneventful. If an individual compares a material item with a past experience, the experience would be more important. The article states that past events can grow more meaning over time rather than becoming dull or repetitive like an object. When given an example about how two people can grow a bond, it makes you think more thoroughly about how relationships are made. Two people are more likely to build a relationship or friendship based on a common experience rather than wearing the same shirt. Another example they gave was how individuals like to compete and feel as if they are better or not beneath anyone. Possessions are more likely to be compared than memories.

The article also enlightens it’s audience with introducing a different way to trigger happiness. A lot of people believe that buy blowing huge amounts of money on luxurious things will make you happy when in fact spending money on just satisfying your basic needs is proven to cause happiness. Also spending money on people who are less fortunately and in more need than you can cause happiness. Little things such as not working as much and spending your time doing more things you love or with people you love makes you more content. Happiness doesn’t lie in success and money but how we spend our time.

This piece by Lyubomirsky reminded me of “How to buy happiness” by Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton. In both articles they share insight on why they believe happiness isn’t all about money. As little as spending five dollars can make you happy. If people were to spend more time trying to enjoy themselves with people who make them feel happy they’d understand why money isn’t everything they believe it is. Money is essential in life but it isn’t everything. Happiness shouldn’t revolve around a dollar.