Happiness at home= happiness in life?

There are many factors in life that can have a positive or negative effect in achieving happiness. I have decided to study one of these factors. My possible topic for my research paper is about how growing up without a parent can affect a child’s ability to achieve happiness in their lives. This topic interests me because I believe that a person’s characteristics are the ones that lead them to success or failure/happiness or unhappiness. However, the characteristics that people have are often developed due to certain situation they went through in their life. A certain situation that can be considered is not having one of their parents in their life. This situation may affect the person and causes them to be in a certain way. This topic may be of interest to others because people are often curious of why others or themselves are the way they are. My research paper would give people insight to how individuals were affected by the absence of one of their parents and are suffering consequences in their personal traits and may not be able to achieve happiness because of that.

The sources that I may use for this research paper will be books such as my psychology book, articles about statistics in my topic, articles from newspapers related to my topic and I may ask some people about their experiences. I think some of the questions I should be asking about my topic are: what does a mother and father contribute to their child’s life? What contributions are essential in the well development of their child? What would a child lack of without one of their parents? Emotional stability? Economic stability? , How do these things affect the point of view of the child towards the world?, Are there negative characteristics that the child develops that may affect them in their lives?, How do these characteristics prevent them or may be an obstacle to achieve their desires, goals and happiness?. I think my proposal is argumentative because many people can give different reasons of why a person may not be able to achieve happiness. They may say is not justified that a person is not successfully happy because they were affected by the lack of one parent throughout their childhood. People may say that it was because of a bad relationship the person might have had, the bad economy, and so on.

Annotated Source:


Office on Child Abuse and Neglect, U.S., Children’s Bureau Rosenberg, Jeffrey., and Children’s Bureau Rosenberg, Jeffrey. “The Importance of Fathers in the Healthy Development of Children.” Fathers and Their Impact on Children’s Well-Being. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.

This source mentions about how children who grow up without a father tend to develop negative characteristics such as: low self-esteem, lower IQs, anti-socialism and so on. It also states that the relationship of mother-father has an important impact of how parents will treat their children. If a father has a good relationship with the child’s mother then he would most likely spend more time with the children. Therefore he will give more attention to the children, who will eventually be healthier psychologically and emotionally. Same if a mother has a good relationship with the child’s father, she will respond more affectionate and caring for the children. This source will help me to prove that there are behaviors parents have that affect their child’s characteristics. Hence, the child’s characteristics will eventually affect them on how they achieve happiness in their lives.